Chinese Community Donate Relief Items To Bududa Mudslide Victims

Chinese Community Donate Relief Items To Bududa Mudslide Victims

By Denis Turyahebwa

The Chinese community in Uganda have donated relief items worth Shs300m to the mudslide victims in Bukalasi Sub-county, Bududa District.

The donation comes just a day after victims in Bududa camp cried for help clarifying that they were living in a total hell.

Victims said they had not seen the declared government support like food, tents and other basics needs.The Chinese ambassador to Uganda, Mr. Zheng Zhu Qiang, who led the delegation, while handing over the relief items to Bududa LC5 chairperson Wilson Watila, said the donation was a symbol of strong friendship between China and Uganda.

“This is a symbol of friendship and we will continue to support you whenever there is need,” Mr Zheng said at Bududa District headquarters.

The relief items included maize flour, sugar, milk, clothes, mosquito nets, mineral water, socks, toothpaste and bed sheets.

The relief items were pooled together by different Chinese companies, associations and individuals.Mr Zheng said the Chinese communities also contributed money, which they wired into the bank account of the Office of Prime Minister (OPM) that is intended to support the affected families.
“It’s our tradition to support our friends who are in need. We make a lot of donations,” he said.

The devastating mudslide occurred on October 11, leaving dozens of people dead, with 43 bodies and body parts recovered. More than 800 people have since been displaced after River Tsuume burst its banks.

Mr. Zheng explained that Chinese investors in the country have not only created jobs but they are also supporting other developments to help the country achieve economic development.
The ambassador, however, urged the residents and district leaders to protect and conserve the environment to avoid further calamities in future.
“We need to plant trees because in Chinese, we say a green mountain is a gold mountain,” he said

Mr. Zhengzhou also called upon Chinese living around the affected areas to create jobs for the victims. He added that the only way the victims can stabilize is through being able to support themselves which is easy if they are working. (Valium)

Meanwhile the Bududa LC5 chairperson Mr. Wilson Watila said it is good to receive the relief support but the Government needs to act very fast and relocate the victims adding that the victims are willing to move to where the Government has prepared to take them and all they are waiting for is being  informed when to set off. an accessible web community

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