By Evans Najuna
Kampala: Uganda Hotel Owners Association (UHOA), an umbrella body that brings together all hotel owners and hotel investors in Uganda have come out to give their opinion about government intentions to construct a hydro power dam at Murchison Falls.

Under the stewardship of their head Mrs.Suzan Muhwezi, wife to war veteran Jim Muhwezi, the Association have added their voice on the recent feasibility study on the giveaway of Murchison falls. “We ask, why would anybody want to destroy this beauty by building a dam that would destroy this gem that we have in Uganda” Mrs. Muhwezi wondered.
She added that “As Uganda Hotel owners Association (UHOA), we would like to join the rest of the tourism community to express our disappointment in this proposal and strongly request government and its agency Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) to reconsider any development to not only Murchison falls but also to any tourist destination.” She went on to say that “However we believe our President who is patriotic and an environmentalist will not do it; to affect our future generation. She concluded by saying “Uganda should remain the Pearl of Africa”

In a June 7 notice, the power regulator, Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA), acknowledged receipt of an application by Bonang Power Energy Ltd, a South African energy firm, to build a hydro-dam at Murchison Falls. “Bonang Power Energy (Pty) Limited intends to undertake detailed feasibility studies and other activities leading to the development of the above mentioned power project whose proposed installed capacity [will be] 360 MW,” the notice read in part. But its publication sparked outrage from environmentalists and tourism sector participants and prompted an online petition, which more than 8,500 people had signed by last Wednesday, to oppose the proposed dam.
