‘Stop Blaming Gov’t For Unemployment, Blame Yourselves For Being Academic Failures’- Fr. Betuungura Tells Students

‘Stop Blaming Gov’t For Unemployment, Blame Yourselves For Being Academic Failures’- Fr. Betuungura Tells Students

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By Micheal Atwakiire  

Sheema: Rev. Fr. Fedelis Betunguura from Nyamitanga parish Mbarara Archdiocese, who is the assistant director Radio Maria Mbarara, has urged fresh graduates and students to blame themselves  but not government for the unemployment in the country.

Fr. Betunguura made these remarks at Hotsprings Nursery Teachers College Kitagata on Sunday, during prayers at the school’s dedication day.

Fr. Fidelis Betunguura during prayers

He said that “Although jobs in Uganda are few, some students and fresh graduates are jobless due to their poor academic performance. Some are even shy to present their academic transcripts and certificates to the employers fearing to expose their poor performance. While others were at school seriously reading books and putting in much efforts to excel, for them they were involved in useless activities. I therefore request you to put much efforts while at school. Mean what brought you here, don’t be useless to the extent of being tempted to go to night clubs or parties.”

He that “God helps those who help themselves. Do not only trust in prayers and blessings but also to wake up for morning preps and read your tirelessly. Although I have blessed you, don’t go and sleep thinking that God will do for you exams. No;/I advise you to double your efforts because that’s when God will give you what you want.”

He also urged parents to stop being lazy and start preparing deeply for their families, saying that some families have reached the an extent of not being visited by just a mere bird or dog because there is nothing to be eaten at their homes.

Agnes Bakashaba the Principal Hotsprings College, asked students to be humble, saying that pride will make them fail both exams and in their future. She added that they should have a big difference from those who never went to school.

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