By Andrew Irumba
Kampala: In efforts to fight climate change in Uganda,the council of presidents of Inter Religious Council Of Uganda (IRCU) have Tuesday 14,November, 2023 passed a resolution to partner with GRO Foundation from Bulgaria in the implementation of the 250 million tree planting and management project through the IRCU structures. The project aims at supporting efforts to restore the declining tree population in Uganda caused by man made activities. Through this project, Gro foundation and IRCU will support reafforestation and afforestation efforts. According to IRCU’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Documentation Manager, James Mukwaya, the pilot project will begin with in Buganda, Busoga and Northern sub regions before they’re rolled out country wide.

“The long term project will also focus on capacity building of communities and religious leaders including improving the social and economic conditions through Livelihoods support of the target communities” read part of the tweet on IRCU’s handle earlier today after the passing the resolution.
IRCU council of presidents is comprised of the seven religious heads; the head of protestants, Muslims, Catholics, seventh day Adventist, born again faith, and the Orthodox. The meeting was chaired by the Archbishop Church of Uganda His Grace Dr.Stephen Kazimba Mugalu.

Gro foundation,IRCU and Uganda Youth Coalition for Sustainable Development Goals (YCSDG) signed MoU last month to partner for not only plating 250 million trees in Uganda but also to grow them.

According to Gro Foundation’s CEO Paul Flynn, planting of trees will focus on assurance of permanence, natural biodiversity, community stewardship and continuous monitoring. “For instance, Mabira Forest has lost 40% of its forever cover for a period of 40 years. Gro Foundation and local partners in Uganda will replant the very indigenous tree species that existed here in order to ensure the wildlife ecosystem, “Paul said. He added thus;”People should know that a natural forest attracts wildlife and other things, that’s why you don’t find wildlife in man-made forests of let’s say eucalyptus or pine trees”.
About Gro Foundation
GRO Foundation is a social-impact organization based in Germany dedicated to planting 1 billion trees worldwide by 2030, and helping to lift millions of individuals and families out of poverty through creating sustainable livelihood projects and connecting grassroot communities to the global carbon market.
About Inter-Religious Council of Uganda
Founded in 2001, the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU), is an indigenous, national faith-based organization uniting efforts of religious institutions to jointly address issues of common concern.
IRCU is constituted by the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), the Church of the Province of Uganda (Church Of Uganda-COU), the Uganda Orthodox Church (UOC), the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC), the Seventh-day Adventist Uganda Union (SDAUU), the Born Again Faith in Uganda (BAF) and the National Alliance of Pentecostal and Evangelical Churches in Uganda (NAPECU). Similarly, IRCU works with other religious organizations, namely the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’i, the Methodist and Lutheran Churches.
Find attached some pictorial evidence below: