No Enemy Can Give You Shelter: Kagame Threatens To Evict Congolese Refugees

No Enemy Can Give You Shelter: Kagame Threatens To Evict Congolese Refugees

By Spy Uganda Correspondent

Rwandan President Paul Kagame has threatened to evict thousands of Congolese refugees being hosted in his country.

Kagame has claimed the international community has continued to blame his country for the conflict in the eastern DR Congo.

Kagame said they cannot continue sheltering the refugees while at the same time being abused.

“We cannot continue hosting the refugees for which we are later on held accountable in some way or even abused about as a result of ethnic cleansing based in another country,” Kagame has been quoted.

Kagame is said to have made the remarks in Kigali during the swearing-in ceremony for Rwanda’s new Senate president, Francois Xavier Kalinda.

The president switched from the national Kinyarwanda language to English to deliver his message as he often does when he wants to talk about the international community.

He added, “We are really prepared to be blamed, but we will be blamed for doing what we must do.”

The Congolese government and a recent UN report blame Rwanda for supporting the M23 mostly Tutsi rebel movement fighting in the east of the country against the Congo government.

Rwanda has consistently denied the accusations, saying it is Congo’s internal issue.

For weeks, thousands have been fleeing into Rwanda and Uganda, including hundreds who crossed into Rwanda last week.

A number of countries including Burundi and Kenya in the East African Community (EAC) have already sent their troops to the country to try and restore peace.

M23 rebels have since withdrawn from some areas they had seized from the Congolese government, including Kibumba town and Rumangabo military camp. an accessible web community

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