Aspiring Kabarole Woman MP Beatrice Balya’s Manifesto Causes Mental Disorder To Competitors

Aspiring Kabarole Woman MP Beatrice Balya’s Manifesto Causes Mental Disorder To Competitors

By Frank Kamuntu

Kampala: Few days to the NRM primary elections, Kabarole Parliamentary race has raised mixed reactions among voters after popular and strong political contender Beatrice Balya Karungi Amooti, daughter to senior UPDF Officer and NRA historical Brig.Gen. Amb.Ronnie Balya Ateenyi, unveiled her Manifesto on Thursday meant to solve most Kabarole challenges that had lagged behind the district for decades. This has caused her competitors running stomachs and mental disorders, according to an insider who preferred anonymity.

Read Her Full Presentation Below;

“Dear Friends, Family, Greetings to you all.
I trust each one of you is safe.

As you all know and agree with me, Kabarole district in every sense of the word deserves better leadership to steer us forward especially when we now have a TOURISM CITY, Fort Portal.
We must take advantage of the city and maximize business opportunities,job opportunities among others to Combat the overwhelming unemployment among youth,rising poverty levels,upfront moral decadency in our society and less market for our Agricultural products,etc.

Our people are languishing in abject poverty despite us having very good resources, very productive people. Our health systems are in a dire state; our education system is deteriorating by the day. Our farmers lack support in accessing markets for their products, to mention but a few.

READ ALSO:Gen.Balya’s Daughter Beatrice Joins Kabarole Woman MP Race, Her Leadership To Focus On Improving Livelihoods Of The Poor

Am sure that you will all agree with me that given our history, our location, our culture, we should be better than this. Our fertile land should be giving our people a lot of income from commercial farming with readily available markets, excellent road infrastructure to the markets, access to clean water, electricity, better health centers, opportunities, and schools by all. Our main problem is lack of pro-development leadership.

I will Focus on the following to help create A Better Platform for Development, Sustainability,Peace and Unity in our Community.

1. CHILDREN: I believe if we plan and guide our children well the future is Brighter.
I will Launch a continuous Children Camp project that will help Build them,Culturally, Socially, Economically and Spiritually.
Every 3rd Term Holiday we shall have a two weeks camp in partnership with Eligible NGOs,Ministry of Youth and Children Affairs.
This will be strictly Educamp Mind Builder and Hands-on Skilling.

2. YOUTH: This Is A very Sensitive group at Action Point and requires Solution to the existing Unemployment problem.
I shall be having Annual Conference that will help Open their minds, Skilling and also Encourage Them to Take advantage of any ongoing Government program.

3. ELDERLY & DISABLED PERSONS: Much as this Group of people are inclusive in the Government programs but it exclude the elderly below age of 80yrs yet we have quite several below the said age who are badly off and helpless in the community yet very vulnerable.
I will Start up A Charity group that will Aim at Fundraising of Resources that will help bridge up the gap in their Lives.

4. WOMEN: This group is also inclusive in the Government programs yet requires extra effort to Build them
I believe that;
Built Woman is a Built Nation,
Educated woman is Enlightened Community,
Supported Woman is A Supported Future and
Happy Woman is Happy Generation.
We shall do more of Skilling the existing Sacco groups,Support existing Religious groups and Empowerment of Women Cultural Groups through intense mobilization, sensitizing and Partnering with both Ministry of gender and several able organization both within and abroad.
This I will do it regularly since it covers 75% to Better our Community.

WITHIN NRM MANIFESTO: I will focus more on the Health. Right now Burahya has got only Health centres with quite Limping Services e.g Insufficient Drugs,poor infrastructures and Less Health workers.
I will Fight hardest to upgrade it’s status through several Government offices concerned.

5. Water,Electricity and Road Infrastructure: All these are inclusive in the Government programs every Financial Year.
I Shall Lobby for them.

6. Agriculture: Much as this is inclusive in the Government programs ,it requires Skilling of the farmers and also having more of exposures which I will partner with genuine Organizations both from within and abroad to have diverse perceptions and appreciate it more.

7. Education: You will all Agree with me that Burahya which is now the Kabarole District has got Schools that may not Compete well at The National level.
I will push for Both School Infrastructure Betterment and Teachers well being which contributes to Students/Pupils Performance psychologically through Ministry of Education.

I therefore Request you all to support and second me as The WOMAN MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR KABAROLE DISTRICT under the umbrella of NRM , to help make our beloved motherland a better place for us, our children and generations to follow. Allow me to go represent you, in advocating for better services for us all.


Balya Beatrice Karungi Amooti .
Kabarole District Woman MP 2021
“Together we can with God”
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