Assailants Take Off After Knocking Dead Kyebando Police Commander!

Assailants Take Off After Knocking Dead Kyebando Police Commander!

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By Ronaldo Kalangi

Police in Kampala are hunting for a driver who knocked dead the commander of Kyebando Police Post, ASP Francis Kato on Thursday as he returned from duty.

The deceased, according to a message from Kira Road Division Police Commander, Mr Michael Kasigyire, Kato was knocked dead by yet to be identified speeding car while on his way from Kira Road Police Station.

“Kira Road [Police] with deep sorrow announce the untimely death of ASP Kato, the OC Kyebando Police Post,attached to Kira R’d Police station, who was knocked dead by an unidentified car while he was from duty at Kira Road where he worked as duty officer. He was returning to his duty beat at Kyebando before meeting his death, rest in peace son” read Mr.Kasigyire’s message he shared on his social media platforms.

Meanwhile, according to KMP Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire, Police suspects the motives of the driver since they took off after knocking their officer dead. “Our officers have already begun hunting for such a driver who knocked dead our senior officer and ran away. If it was an accident, he would have remained to explain to the authorities what had happened but he chose to run away, it shows that there were some motives we are yet to understand”,he said.

Kato’s body has been taken to city mortuary for a post-mortem report. an accessible web community

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