Big Hearted: Tycoon Hamis Donates Shs100m To MoH In Fight Against Coronavirus

Big Hearted: Tycoon Hamis Donates Shs100m To MoH In Fight Against Coronavirus

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By Spy Uganda

Youthful city tycoon Hamis Kiggundu, 35, on Saturday donated Shs100m ton the Ministry of Health (MoH) COVID-19 National Taskforce in furthering their noble duties.

Kiggundu, who handed over cash totaling to Shs100M to Prime minister Dr. Rugunda in the presence of National Resistance Movement (NRM) Secretary General Rt. Hon. Justine Kasule Lumumba and other political leaders said that; “I have come to answer the appeal of H.E the President so that we buy food for our brothers and sisters and the elderly, who don’t have what to eat yet they are supposed to stay in their homes as we all fight Covid-19 pandemic. Sir, receive Shs100M to buy them food and other basic necessities.”

Hamis Kiggundu hands over a checque to Premier Rugunda

President Yowerin Museveni, in his national address about Coronavirus on Friday night, urged all individuals and companies to donate food, vehicles and other items to help the National Taskforce in the fight against Coronavirus.

Kiggundu also donated Quorans, Bicycles and other items

Speaking to  the media, Premier Dr. Rugunda, who heads the COVID-19  National Taskforce said that; “As Uganda government, we salute City businessman Hamis Kiggundu for being a selfless citizen. He has joined the government in feeding Ugandans. He is a very good man and his type is rare to find. Let others act like him if we are to defeat Corona virus.” an accessible web community

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