Bobi Wine, Tiwa Savage Condemn Xenophobia in South Africa

Bobi Wine, Tiwa Savage Condemn Xenophobia in South Africa

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By Andrew Irumba

Celebrated musician turned politician Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine has come out to vehemently condemn the xenophobic acts currently going on in South Africa.
Since Monday this week natives in South Africa have been attacking and killing foreign nationals there, on top of looting their property, shops and houses, demanding that they get out of the country.
However, several international celebrities and African nationalists have come out to condemn these barbaric acts being committed by Africans against fellow Africans.
This morning Bobi Wine condemned the xenophobia by stating thus;
“Xenophobic attacks in South Africa are very sad, disheartening and disappointing. They must be condemned by all people of good conscience. SayNoToXenophobia”

In the same vein, Nigerian superstar Tiwa Savage says she’s boycotted performing at the upcoming DSTV Delicious Festival in Johannesburg, #SouthAfrica on Sept 21 over #XenophobicAttacks.

Tiwa Savage stated thus; “I refuse to watch the barbaric butchering of my people in SA. This is SICK.” #NoXenophobiaInSouthAfrica”

So far several Africans from countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Botswana and others are fleeing South Africa for their dear lives while others have been brutally clobbered, hacked to death or burnt alive.

What is most shocking however is that the South African government, police, army and other security agencies are just looking on as civilians armed with rudimentary weapon terrorise fellow Africans.

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