Bobi Wine’s Freedom Show Performed With Gateway Boat On Standby

Bobi Wine’s Freedom Show Performed With Gateway Boat On Standby

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By Frank Kamuntu

Kyadondo: Ghetto gladiator His Excellence Bobi Wine over the weekend registered another online record through his Freedom Show streamed live via various internet platforms that captured 270,000 Viewers.

Bobi Wine first hour performance was above the water on his lavish boat, however it’s worth noting that not even the sound of wind on the lake could interrupt the crispness of the show.

The show was geared up by musician Nubian Li, Aziiz Azion on the Guitar, Joseph Sax on the Saxophone, and a few other instrumentalists giving way to Bobi Wine who sailed through to Busabala beach with Byekwaso hit.

Bobi Wine, sang his songs pepped up with political jabs. He paid homage to fallen comrades who have died in the struggle including Rita Nabukenya who was knocked dead by a police patrol vehicle in Kampala and Yasin Kawuma, who was shot dead in Arua.

During the previous concert, a tribute to the late Mozey Radio was one of the highlights.In the second show, Radio was a talking point, again.

“This was Radio’s favorite spot whenever he came here at Busaabala, He is the one who painted the rocks at this spot, and as such, we named the spot after him,” Bobi Wine said.

Bobi Wine also payed tribute to fallen musicians, Paul Kafeero, through Dipo nazigala song and Philly Bongole Lutaya who succumbed to HIV/AIDs on December 15, 1989.

Later, musicians King Saha and Dr. Hilderman made their way to the show, performing Tuliyambala Engule with Bobi Wine hitting 21,000 views.

Bobi wine performing with different musicians as they observe social distance

As was earlier reported by TheSpy Uganda last week, Police had warned that it was going to break house parties at night because they were going against Covid-19 presidential directives.

According to analysts, believed Police’s target was Bobi Wine’s online concert, our reliable sources say, the boat was a Plan B for the show in case the police raided Busabala.

Sources add that Bobi Wine and team were ready to perform on the boat the entire show, since they knew police didn’t have enough boats to chase them on water.

They also believed it would be dramatic for police to chase them on water while they performed live.

Bobi wine, Wife Babi and family before performance at their home magere.

At the end of the show, Bobi Wine thanked a German based organization Friedrich Naumann Foundation that sponsored the show and his fans.

“What shall I ever render to you dear friends? Thank you for “turning up” in huge numbers for our #FreedomShow this afternoon, My appreciation goes to the team of talented producers, fellow artists and@FriedrichNaumannFoundation,Iyalama noi, Mwebare munonga, Nolulala mukolanga bwemutyo.” Bobi Wine posted. an accessible web community

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