BoU Deputy Governor Kasekende Flees Family On X-mas For Secret Meet With PS Muhakanizi As His Contract Expires!

BoU Deputy Governor Kasekende Flees Family On X-mas For Secret Meet With PS Muhakanizi As His Contract Expires!

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By Our Reporter

Under normal circumstances, a Christian, more so a Catholic man, is expected to celebrate Christmas with his family where they do a lot of merry making and fan all the way.

However, for Bank of Uganda Deputy Governor Dr. Louis Kasekende it was a different case this year, because, instead of spending Christmas with his lovely wife and children, he drove to Kabale district for a secret meeting with ‘power broker’ Finance Ministry Permanent Secretary Keith Muhakanizi.

Kasekende, whose contract as BoU Deputy Governor has just days to expire, early 2020, left eyebrows raised  when he opted to travel  the hectic journey to Kigezi to meet the Secretary to the Treasury,  and many pundits are speculating that it must have been a very strategic meeting.

Christmas might not have been merry for the deputy governor, who has only two weeks to renew his contract, but the silence of the appointing authority, President Yoweri Museveni, is sending tongues wagging on what the future holds for  Governor Prof. Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile’s deputy.

Our source intimated to Spy reporter that Muhakanizi hosted Dr Kasekende at Acadia hotel at the beautiful Lake Bunyonyi, where the two men sat “under a tree for almost half a day” probably pondering upon some ‘important’ issues, especially the events expected to unfold with the onset of 2020.

This however comes at a time when many people at BoU are looking at Kasekende as the incoming governor after Mutebile, whose strength dwindles daily, bows out, when his contract expires next  year.

However, the scandals that have rocked the Central Bank in recent years, might have left  President Museveni with one option; not to renew the contracts of both men. No idea for now how such amove would leave the banking industry.

Muhakanizi on the other hand, is reported to be interested in the top job at the Bank of Uganda, whom many people within the corridors of power anticipate might be appointed to the position.

However,  Muhakanizi, being a top power broker, could be a top lobbyist Kasekende needs at this time, in case he wants to keep his job or if Muhakanizi himself wants to call it quits after his service as PS at the ministry of finance.

But only time will tell what decision president Museveni will take, especially as the expiry of Kasekende and Mutebile’s contracts looms nearer. Watch the space….. an accessible web community

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