Breaking! Minister Aceng Vows To Unseat Hon. Atim, Joins Elective Politics

Breaking! Minister Aceng Vows To Unseat Hon. Atim, Joins Elective Politics

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By Spy Uganda

Lira: The Minister for Health, Dr Jane Aceng, has announced that she will contest for the Lira Woman parliamentary seat in the 2021 election.

Dr. Aceng made the announcement on Sunday in a video clip she posted on social media that later went viral.

Aceng says due to the love and encouragement the people of Lango showed her during the 15 years she worked with them before her appointment as minister, she is ready to come back serve their interests.

“I am confident that i have not let the people of Lango down. I am confident that the work that i have been doing has pleased them. And so today, i want to declare openly that i am taking up a political position as a representative of the women in Lira District and i will contest for that position” Dr. Aceng said.

Dr.also revealed that that because she has been working with the NRM government which has supported her, she will stand under the NRM Party.

Meanwhile,current Lira Woman MP, Joy Atim (UPC), may face stiff competition from Dr Aceng who has won countrywide fame over her handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the country yet to register any death.

However, Dr. Acheng may also face it rough since Lira is a UPC stronghold being the home of party legend Milton Obote currently in control of MPs Cecilia Ogwal and Jimmy Akena.

Dr. Aceng holds a bachelors degree in medicine,(MBchB) pediatrics, (MMED) Masters in Public Health and a Diploma in Heath Systems strengthening.

She has a vast experience as a manager and practicing health personnel accumulated over time while serving in several capacities as medical officer, consultant pediatrician, Lira Regional Hospital Director, and Director General Health services at MOH before she was appointed health minister in June 2016. an accessible web community

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