Breaking! Tooro Kingdom Speaker Saul Mugasa Resigns Over King Oyo’s Maladministration, Corruption Scandals

Breaking! Tooro Kingdom Speaker Saul Mugasa Resigns Over King Oyo’s Maladministration, Corruption Scandals

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By Spy Uganda

Days after Tooro Kingdom 3rd Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for security Rt. Hon. Muganzi Patrick resigned over what he termed as overwhelming personal responsibilities, Kingdom’s speaker, Saul Mugasa has also thrown in towel.

Deputy Prime Minister’s Resignation

Mugasa who has served the Kingdom for decades says enough is enough he can’t continue to serve the Kingdom whose situation is deteriorating despite the presence of the reigning King.

In his 3rd, May 2021 letter addressed to his Majesty Dr. Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, copied to the Premier Minister, Omukanga and members of Tooro Supreme Council, Mugasa said his resignation follows increasing corruption scandals, mismanagement of Kingdom properties, wrangles and divisionism among other dirty games in the Kingdom.

Below Is Mugasa’s Full Resignation Letter


Please accept this letter as formal notification that am resigning from my position as the Rwigi/Speaker of the Orukurato Orukuru/Supreme Council with immediate effect. I was elected to this position overwhelming by members of the Supreme Council, I was in my 2nd term now. Having served the kingdom in various capacities for (22) years now, my conscience feels this is a necessary decision.

I wish to thank members of the Rukurato orukuru, the prime minister, cabinet, staff and the people of Tooro that have supported my work over the years. I leave with my consciousness clear that I served the people of Tooro faithfully with integrity.

Your majesty as I leave office, permit me to share with you a few insights that I believe will be helpful in bettering the Kingdom and its service to her people;

1. Respect the arms of the Kingdom; your majesty, your power is reflected and gauges by the power and organizational capabilities of the institution you head. The kingdom arms are the Orukurato Orukuru headed by Rwigi and the cabinet headed by Omuhikirwa.

Mugasa’s Resignation

For all the years I have served in the Kingdom, many of your people especially regents and the palace establishment always undermined the roles of those arms. an accessible web community

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