By Spy Uganda
If you thought
this COVID-19 lockdown declared by President Yoweri Miseveni a few weeks ago
has only affected the most vulnerable ones then you need to think twice.

This comes after our ever alert Spy tiptoed behind the mortar-mouthed former Presidential Press Secretary and now Media Adviser Joseph Tamale Mirundi, bargaining with the butcher to reduce for him the price of meat.

Time check: around 5:47Pm, on Saturday our Spy ‘waylaid’ Mirundi at the Zana roundabout shop, to be exact, at ‘Mulokole’s shop below the roundabout. Mirundi, who was being chauffeured in his newest brand gift monster car with Red number plate (Gov’t car) disembarked from the ‘assassination corner’ and headed straight to the butchery near Murokole’s shop. Without wasting time he asked for the price of meat.

The butcher answered that a Kg was at 13k, to which Mirundi objected. “13k? Am I buying a plot of land?” Tamale asked. He went ahead to tell the butcher to give him meat but at good price, because he was going to buy a lot- 2kgs! He offered to buy each at 10k to whic the butcher objected.

Tamale then turned immediately opposite the butchery where there were cages of hens and cocks. He asked for the price and the seller told him each was at 25k. (
On hearing the price, a disappointed Tamale extended to Mirokole’s shop door and was heard ordering for 5kgs of beans, 3kgs of rice and 1 litre of cooking oil before he jumped into his ride and sped off to his mama baby who is based in Zana.
However, onlookers
remained stunned by the Mirundi they hear on radio and watch on TV boasting about
being loaded, but who can’t afford a Kilo of meat. Well, perhaps the COVID-19 ‘Kayasi’
has since attacked his wallet and pundits claim that State House should soon
send him some of that relief Posho and Beans.