Bye Bye To COVID-19 Lamentations: Victoria University Kicks Off New Semester With Successful Virtual Orientation

Bye Bye To COVID-19 Lamentations: Victoria University Kicks Off New Semester With Successful Virtual Orientation

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By Spy Uganda

Kampala: Uganda’s most innovative and world-class higher institution of learning, Victori University has today kicked off its new semester in the academic year 2021/2022 with successful virtual orientation training.

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During the orientation, students got an opportunity to be introduced to Victoria University, the various faculties and the Online Learning Management System (VClass learning portal).

”Tusimbudde Our historic virtual orientation has kicked off TODAY. This marks the beginning of our new semester. Our students will use the @NCHEuganda– endorsed online learning system, #VClass. You have a few days left to join us. Apply NOW via,” announced the university today’s morning.

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The University previously announced that it will continue to conduct and deliver online learning until the government fully opens up all learning institutions. Also, remember that Victoria University recently implemented the best Emergency Online and Distance Education Learning system, as rated by the National Council for Higher Education. (NCHE).

To support effective online learning, the University says it provides free educational data to all its virtual learners. Therefore students are only required to submit their names, registration numbers and Airtel phone numbers to get data and enjoy an uninterrupted learning process.

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According to its alumnus, the University has the capacity, facilities and determination to revitalize higher education in Uganda and in the region. The University is committed to playing a leading role in bringing and developing high-quality education, student-centred learning opportunities based on standards of excellence that are unique, innovative and difficult to match. (buy Diazepam)

You may still feel free to visit Victoria University centrally located in the heart of Kampala City and on the main public transportation route at Jinja road….see you there! an accessible web community

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