Canine Unit Arrests 5 Using Sniffer Dog, Property Recovered

Canine Unit Arrests 5 Using Sniffer Dog, Property Recovered

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By Spy Uganda

The Police K9 Unit in Luuka and Kakumiro districts and KMP have in custody 6 suspects on cases of theft.

The five suspects were successfully traced and tracked down by the police sniffer dogs and all the property they had stolen recovered.

At Nawampiti Police station in Luuka District, the K9 team from Kamuli tracked and traced 03 suspects in a case of theft.

At Kasambira Police Station, a K9 Zulu was introduced at the scene that led Police for about 2km up to the house of one Mumia Richard and recovered saving box that he had stolen.

At Nakinkoma cell Kihurumba Sub County Kakumiro district, a one Byangero Madalena reported theft of his cattle and two goats.

“Our K9 team visited the scene and one suspect arrested in the distance of about 01km from the scene of crime to his house. He confessed to the crime and efforts are underway to get his accomplices,” says Police.

At Salama Police station, a 32 Inch flat TV screen was recovered from about 50 metres from where it had been stolen. The suspect remains on the run, but the TV was recovered.

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