Chief Registrar Reshuffles Six Magistrates & Registrars

Chief Registrar Reshuffles Six Magistrates & Registrars

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By Spy Uganda

The Chief Registrar, Her Worship Sarah Langa Siu, has transferred six Judicial Officers at the rank of Registrars and Magistrates in a move to address the gaps following the elevation of officers within those ranks to Judgeship.

The above has been revealed by the Judiciary in a statement quoting HW Langa saying that the changes are also geared at effective coordination, management and delivery of judicial services.

The changes which are effective August 8, have seen HW Rosemary Bareebe, who has been serving as Registrar Magistrates Affairs & Data Management moving to the High Court. This means she will administratively coordinate all the activities at the different High Court divisions and circuits. (

HW Kwizera Amos, who has been Registrar Planning, Research & Development now moves to the Inspectorate a Registry charged with quality assurance in the Courts.

HW Nabakooza Flavia who has been at the Commercial Division of the High Court replaces Kwizera at the Registry of Planning. an accessible web community

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