Christ The  King Parish Priest Arrested For Holding Mass Amidst Corona Virus Lockdown

Christ The King Parish Priest Arrested For Holding Mass Amidst Corona Virus Lockdown

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By Spy Uganda

The police at Kampla Central Police Station have Sunday quizzed the Christ the King Parish Priest Monsignor Gerald  Kalumba over allegations that he held holy mass today, well-knowing that  President Yoweri Museveni banned all public prayers at churches and mosques around the country, plus other gatherings that bring together masses of people.

President Museveni on March 27, 2020, issued directives banning all functions that necessitate mass gatherings of people like music concerts, political rallies,  funerals, cultural ceremonies, weddings, parties, plus the closure of schools, universities and companies as one of the measures of mitigating the prevention and spread of Coronavirus.

The police have since started arresting all Ugandans who are found in bars, night clubs, markets, churches, mosques and other places that the President ordered to be closed.

During his speech, the President gave an example of Pope Francis, whom he said had resorted to Televangelism as a way of preventing the spread of Coronavirus amongst Catholics in Italy, saying that such an act would be an unforgivable sin before God.  

Monsignor Gerald Kalumba (R) with another priest recently

It was for
that reason that detectives at CPS, Kampala summoned Msgr Kalumba to explain why
he had decided to under-look the Presidential directives about preventing the
spread of Coronavirus.   

We have
since established that when he was quizzed, Msgr. Kalumba explained to the
police that he had held mass with only a few Catholics who were seated very far
from each other, hence they couldn’t spread the Coronavirus even if one or some
of them had been infected, which fortunately wasn’t the case.

Our Spies reveal that after being grilled for several hours, Fr. Kalumba was later freed by police with a stern warning not hold any more Mass until the 32 days that were set by President Museveni as the monitoring period for Coronavirus elapse.

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