City Lawyer Dragged To Police Over Fleecing Her Client Clean

City Lawyer Dragged To Police Over Fleecing Her Client Clean

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By Benson Tumusiime

A prominent city lawyer has been dragged to police on allegations of fraudulently receiving money worth UGX 625 Million.

The lawyer in contestation is identified as Hamida Kobusingye Kagingo of Hamidah K.L Associates Advocates located at colline House, Kampala.

According to police file case GEF02/2018 of Kabalagala police station on which Hamida is accused of fraud, it is indicated that Hamida, a city lawyer represented Mr. Solomon Chaplain Lui a businessman in Kampala in a transaction of sale of land located in Matuga industrial park worth 30 Hectares at a cost of UGX 625million.

The transaction was between Justice retired Kato, Solomon Chaplain and the lawyer Hamida Kobusingye. The land in question is situated at Kyadondo block 76 plot 13, 15, 17 and 18 at Bibo.

According to Agreement of sale that was extracted in 2013 between the parties, it is indicated that Cosmas Matongo Kato referred to as a vender in the matter, Hamida Kobosingye and Solomon Chaplain Lui referred to as the purchaser in the matter agreed that the vendor is the registered proprietor of the property located at Kyandondo block 76 plot 13, 15, 17 and 18 measuring to 30 hectares.

In the consideration of a sum of six hundred million shillings to be paid by the purchasers as provided herein, the vender hereby sells his interests of the property and the purchaser hereby obtains the property from the vendor subject to terms contained in the agreement.

According to the statements recorded by Solomon at police, it is indicated that Kato sold him land at a cost of UGX 600m and he had paid UGX420 million cash and failed to pay the balance. It is indicated that Kato went to court and court decided to sale the land jointly such that they can recover the money.

It is stated that on 30th Jan.2018, a new agreement of sale was extracted between Cosmas Kato Matongo referred to as a vendor and Hajji Ayubu Katende refered to as a buyer in conjunction with Hamida Kobusingye and Solomon Chaplain Lui refered to as defendants in reference to high court civil suit No.75 of 2015.

It was further established that the vender had mistakenly sold the land of 30 hectares when actually it was later surveyed and found that it was 25 hectares.

The parties agreed that the purchaser shall pay 625 million shillings to the account of the Lawyer Hamida Kobusingye who is a lawyer to Solomon Chaplain Lui.

The money was paid to Hamida’s account No.010024009 housing Finance bank Kampala Branch. It is indicated that after Hamida had received the money on behalf of her client Solomon Chaplain Lui, she blocked all the communication and started playing tricks of conmen/conwomen. an accessible web community

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