Coincidence Or God’s Plan? Former Tooro Premier John Katuramu’s Release Over Shadows King’s 26th Coronation!

Coincidence Or God’s Plan? Former Tooro Premier John Katuramu’s Release Over Shadows King’s 26th Coronation!

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By Spy Uganda

Fort Portal: John Sanyu Katuramu was the first prime minister (Omuhikirwa) and Omujwara kondo of the world’s youngest King, Dr.Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi 1V. His premiership spilled over into Oyo’s reign from his father Olimi Kaboyo, because by the time Olimi Kaboyo died, Katuramu was his premier as well.

Former Tooro Prime Minister John Sanyu Katuramu Being Driven Out of Luzira Prison Today’s Morning 

READ ALSO: Breaking! The Waiting Is Over: Former Tooro Premier John Sanyu Katuramu Amooti Released From Luzira Prisons After 20 Years!

But he only served for four years into his new term as King Oyo’s premier before he was arrested, charged and sentenced to 20 yrs in jail over murder.

Job Katuramu (L) With His Father Sanyu Katuramu (R) From Luzira Prison Today’s Morning

But it’s either a coincidence or God’s plan that the former Omuhikirwa was released today Saturday the same day King Oyo is celebrating his 26th coronation anniversary at his palace in Fort Portal Tourism City.

READ ALSO: Ups & Downs Of World’s Youngest King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi 1V’s 25 Year Reign

Contrary to previous years, this year, few people have joined the King in celebrations as others are celebrating in their homes over their ‘beloved’  Katuramu’s release. Meanwhile, the issue of COVID-19 SOPs also can’t be ignored as another reason for the limited numbers at the event.

Reigning Tooro Kindom King Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, On The Throne

Previously, the Royal Palace traditionally known as the Karuzika would host jubilant crowds from all over Tooro region for more than a week. This goes as far as Kabarole, Bunyangabu, Kamwenge, Kyegwegwa, Kyenjojo and Kitagwenda. The Kingdom usually organizes celebratory activities that are climaxed with a thanksgiving service to mark the memorable event. an accessible web community

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