By Andrew Irumba
I’m sure the name Juma Seiko is not new in your ears when it comes to social life. TheSpy Uganda has landed on exclusive photos of flamboyant Lt.Col.Juma Seiko, the presidential advisor on security attached to the office of the president and Gen.Salim Saleh’s blue-eyed ‘boy’, where he was among the key notable figures who graced Britania Allied Industries Ltd’s newly launched Splash Kachupa on Friday at their Ntinda-stretcher based offices.

Juma Seiko arrives at the launch on Friday in style
Seiko, donned in full army combat made a surprise appearance when he emerged from his state-of-the-art Blue Mercedes Benz in a commando style in which he was croozing himself, parked it near MD Vinay Dawda’s personalized car number plate marked ‘V7’ (meaning Vinay’s car No. 7) and straight went to the sampling table where he first guzzled three bottles non-stop before he returned to greet the MD who was already laughing to his bone marrows. This left several workers who were watching mesmerized at the Colonel’s appetite and ‘talent’.

Sources told this reporter that Juma Seiko’s closeness to the Dawda family traces as way back as at the inception of the company in the early 90s when they were looking for suitable land to acquire for the factory where he played a key role.

As a way of remaining at the top of their game, and making their products more available and affordable for consumers, Britania Allied Ind.Ltd on Friday unveiled a new packaging of splash known as SPLASH KACHUPA.

Newly launched Splash Kachupa
Unlike their other signature packaging done in Tetra packs, the new Splash Kachupa comes in (PET) bottles of 400Mls will go for shs2500/-.
According to market pundits our reporter randomly interviewed as soon as it hit market, Britania has launched PET bottled Splash to eat into the market that Coca-Cola’s Minute Maid and imported Afia juices have been enjoying with ease. “These guys are going to give them a run for their money, remember Splash is a pioneer natural fruit juice brand every house hold resonates well fast,” one researcher commented.
Splash Kachupa comes in flavors of mango, orange and Apple although others like pineapple, Passion, Fruit cocktail among others are yet to be introduced.
However, apart from Splash Kachupa, Britania also manufacture a wide range of other products which include; Yo-Jus, variety of biscuits, Sun-Sip, Top-Up tomato sauce among others.
According to the company’s General Manager Sales and Marketing Ritesh Rajnikant Sheth, Splash Kachupa would be available in all major shops and super markets across the country by Tuesday next week. “Our chain of distribution is systematic and very responsive, I believe now that we’ve launched it, by Tuesday next week all major outlets should be able to have it. Our consumers will get it at Shs2500/-,no more no less,” he said.