Come One, Come All: Mighty Victoria University Stretches Registration Centres To Mbarara, Jinja & Gulu

Come One, Come All: Mighty Victoria University Stretches Registration Centres To Mbarara, Jinja & Gulu

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By Monica Kobusiinge

Uganda’s finest Victoria University is making registration easy for upcountry students. As we report this, the University has established registration centres in Mbarara City, Jinja, and Gulu City.

”Atye maber? We promised, and for the first time, we are here now. We flew in this evening! Just to show you the way to the ‘University of Uganda’. We love you… When you wake up, call us…. We will surely admit you! 0755 773 442/0785 534 147/0782 397 699,” Victoria University announced to the people of Gulu.

This means if you’re in these with in the vicinity of these cities, you don’t have to burn your transport coming to Kampala for registration...that’s what we mean when we say ‘Victoria is A University Of You.’

”People from the land of milk and honey, as we promised, we are now in your City! Call any of our team members to register. We have just arrived in your City….You asked, & we’re here now… 0782 397699/0753 973739/0752 532 484” announced the University to the people of Mbarara.

May be an image of text that says 'U VICTORIA UNIVERSITY Kampala Uganda CHARTERED WE'RE 'RE NIVERSITY airtel MBARARA CITY We're Coming PREPARE TO REGISTER 2ND.APR.2023 *REGISTRATION FEES UGX. 210,000/= APPLY TODAY +256 753 973 739 +256 752 532 484 victoriauniversity Victoria ower, Plot 1-1 Jinja victoria university kampala uganda O.Bo 30866 Kampala, Authentic Real-world Life-impacting Education @vukampala'

In another announcement, the University stated, ”Tusangaire okubabona. We are back in Busoga and in Eastern Uganda. Last year, thousands joined Victoria University from Busoga. We are the University of Uganda; and here we come again….Our team is in Busoga…Just call 0773 441 776/0706 688 270/ 0782 397699.”

Why You Must Rush & Register Yourself

Victoria University is a pioneering and leading University in Uganda and East Africa when it comes to offering Experiential and Work Integrated Learning (WIL).

According to officials, Victoria University is determined to produce graduates with employable skills and capacity to creatively employ themselves.

They do this by providing meaningful, hands-on workplace experience to enrich theoretical learning. Victoria University’s work integrated learning program enables students to complete a program of three years with at least 2-3 years’ work experience with its partner organizations and firms in different markets.

The University was opened in 2013 and is centrally located in the heart of Kampala city and on the main public transportation routes coupled with ample parking space.

The institution is part of the Ruparelia Group of Companies which has a strong presence in the education sector in Uganda and has under its portfolio, Kampala International School of Uganda, Kampala Parents School, Delhi Public School International.

According to Vice Chancellor. Victoria University has also stepped up, as the leading institution in using technology to teach in East and Central Africa. an accessible web community

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