Cuba, PAP Speaker Seal Partnership Deal On Promotion Of Pan-Africanism

Cuba, PAP Speaker Seal Partnership Deal On Promotion Of Pan-Africanism

By Spy Uganda

The family of Cuba’s revolutionary and visionary leader, El Comandante Fidel Castro has officially registered their appreciation to Pan African Pyramid (PAP) founding Speaker and Chairman Andrew Irumba Katusabe and the entire PAP family for recognizing the unparalleled sacrifices he and the country of Cuba made during the fight against the self-rule and self-determination of Africa.

In 2023, PAP recognized Castro with the ‘Most Distinguished Pan-Africanist Of All Times’ award at the ceremony held at Fairway Hotel Kampala. 

The appreciation message was loaded on the shoulders of Cuba’s ambassador to Uganda H.E Tania Perez Xingues, who invited and met the PAP Speaker on Monday at the Cuban Embassy in Mbuya, Kampala.

During the exchange of pleasantries, the Ambassador also revealed that Cuba has officially accepted a collaboration request to work with PAP to promote the Pan-Africanism agenda in Africa.

This official communication was written and signed by the Ambassador herself, who affirmed the strong ties with PAP.

”Since the 2023 PAP awards, we have maintained our ties with Andrew Irumba, leader of the Pan-African Pyramid Organization, a passionate communicator and Pan-Africanist, who is also a permanent source of inspiration for all those of us who, in our respective capacities, believe in Africa rising to its challenges, to achieve the necessary political stability and the economic and social development it deserves,” partially reads the appreciation letter.

Cuba’s Appreciation Letter To PAP

In the same letter, the embassy added that Africa and Uganda are the world’s youngest continents and countries respectively, and are committed to preparing the present and future leaders who shall concretize, among other things, the implementation of the ambitious Agenda 2063.

”Therefore, in building Africa as an imperative, the education of the new generation is essential, and this subject became a permanent topic of exchange with Andrew Irumba, and in our opinion, the main focus of his Pan-Africanist project.  For this reason, within the framework of the 50th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between Uganda and Cuba, and banking on the same to hold another ceremony corresponding to the Seventh Pan-African Pyramid Global Awards, we are pleased to share articles by Cuban academics that demonstrate Cuba’s Pan Africanist vision and commitment, as a modest contribution to the aforementioned education of the upcoming generations,” letter further reads.

It further stated; ”in this vein, we are delighted to present this first compendium, which is the result of the collaboration between the Cuban Embassy in Kampala and the Ugandan organization Pan-African Pyramid.”

In many pan-African circles, Castro is praised for the restless efforts he injected in Africa. Quite apart from his contribution to the liberation struggles on the African continent in the past, some countries on the continent, including Ghana, still benefit from the healthcare services provided by Cuban doctors who visit the country on a rotational basis.

Fidel Castro joined two major battles on the African continent – in Angola and Ethiopia at the height of the cold war – as he was convinced that the global stage for the world revolution was happening in Africa.

Responding to calls for help from the Angolan Marxist guerrilla leader Agostinho Neto who had seized Luanda during a bloody war with the Portuguese, Castro sent troops to Angola.

Cuba’s involvement in battles far away from home however came at a cost. Some 4,300 Cubans are believed to have died in conflicts in Africa, half of them in Angola alone. Experts however say the numbers have been sharply underestimated.

Castro’s support for Africa’s liberation led him to meet with some of the continent’s leaders including Patrice Lumumba of Congo, Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah, Sam Nujoma of Namibia, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. The above facts and many others actually explain very well why PAP recognized him in 2023. Watch The Video Below For More On Why PAP Awarded Castro.

Pictorial: PAP Speaker Andrew Irumba With HE Ambassador Tania Perez an accessible web community

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