Don’t Roast Archbishop Lwanga, His Statement Could Help The World Understand How Greedy & Divided UJCC Is-Father Musaala Strikes Again!

Don’t Roast Archbishop Lwanga, His Statement Could Help The World Understand How Greedy & Divided UJCC Is-Father Musaala Strikes Again!

By Spy Uganda

Kampala: The hitherto renegade Catholic Father Anthony Musaala seems to be not ready to keep silent about Uganda’s political situation mingled with violence and abuse of human rights saying some religious leaders after being bribed with heavy parcels by State House, they pretend to be blind about shameful government’s acts against humanity that has so far left thousands dead.

READ ALSO: “Postpone Elections, Award Museveni More Years To Rule Uninterrupted”-Arch. Kizito Lwanga

Following his last week’s flavourless statement about what he called an “evil regime” accusing it of serving Ugandans all sorts of “poison including murder, brutality, corruption, theft, nepotism, impunity, lies and demagoguery”, the no-nosense father has released a fresh statement this time lecturing about how the evil of greed has poured dust into Uganda Joint Christian Council leaders quoting his boss Archbishop Kizito Lwanga who requested for a constitutional amendment to allow incumbent Museveni rule for more three years without considering how Ugandans are yearning for change.

READ ALSO: Museveni’s 34 Y’r Old Gov’t Is Full Of Demonagues & Thieves, Voting It Out Is The Most Noble Thing-Father Musaala Goes Bare Nuckles With Religious Leaders Supporting Regime

Read Musaala’s Full Statement Below;


The negative reactions towards Archbishop Lwanga’s statement (made on behalf of the UJCC) were an eye-opener, especially for us, religious leaders.

Pastor Sserwadda’s embarrassing dissensions from the Archbishop’s statement seem to have added an element of uncertainty.

They point either to disunity among UJCC members or lack of due process in their deliberations.

One hopes this will be urgently resolved, and a clarifying statement made.

Also of interest about the UJCC’s proposals is that they were offered only for discussion in parliament, yet the vociferous “people’s parliament” on social media has already captured the debate.

READ ALSO: Carry Your Own Cross! Inter-Religious Council, Pastor Sserwada, Distance Selves From Archbishop Lwanga’s Poisonous ‘Suggestion’ To Postpone Elections

A Question.

Were no grassroots level consultations made by the UJCC on these serious political matters?

The impression after the Archbishop’s statement is that UJCC operates in a void, divorced from reality.

This, however, is hardly the truth, since the UJCC and all its individual religious leaders have spoken out very often, against the crimes of the regime.

It is unfortunate therefore that this single, probably well-intentioned but untimely UJCC statement, has been poorly received by very many, to the extent that all religious leaders are now being tarred with the same brush as betrayers of the people!

Popular expectations of religious leaders in the midst of a political crisis vary and are not predictable.

Our own reactions may also vary and may be ambivalent, or wanting. We too may seem directionless.

Some expect us to speak out at every moment against the crimes of the regime, hoping that our voices like God’s, will descend with mighty force on the errant minds of the regime’s miscreants, causing repentance.

Discernment is required, however, to avoid mere populism by speaking out, which may comfort the people, but results in nothing.

If on the other hand, religious leaders become a truly prophetic voice to the nation, by reading the ‘signs of the times’ with God’s Word and pointing the way to a new future with both words and actions, then that is truly a gospel of liberation.

It is to say “God’s Spirit is upon me to proclaim the release of captives”

Others expect us only to encourage them to pray more, to forgive their enemies, promote peace and trust God. They believe that we should not take sides, but promote unity.

The danger in this is a kind of false peace where we appear compromised, spineless and blind to the very evil in our midst.

So these two extremes are to be avoided, populism on the one hand and pacific detachment on the other.

Yet there must be a middle ground rather than just sitting on the fence.

As religious leaders may we listen to God more intently at this critical time.? With humility can we individually seek out the Lord once again, in silence and solitude?

Let’s pray for revelation and wisdom first of all for our own lives, and for the courage of ‘orthopraxis’ which will begin the change we want to see in our beloved country.” an accessible web community

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