EC Sets 25 July For New Districts To Elect Interim Chairperson

EC Sets 25 July For New Districts To Elect Interim Chairperson

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By Andrew Irumba

Kampala: The Electoral Commission (EC) has gazetted Thursday, 25th July 2019 as the polling day for Elections of Interim District Chairperson in the seven newly-created Districts.

According to the EC 9 July press statement, Voting shall be by Electoral College and secret ballot and will be conducted at the headquarters of the respective new District, starting at 9:00am. The Electoral College shall comprise District Directly Elected Councilors and District Women Councilors representing the electoral areas forming the new districts as

  • Madi-Okollo District, which has been created out of Arua District
  • Karenga District, which has been created out of Kaabong District
  • Kalaki District, which has been created out of Kaberamaido District
  • Kitagwenda District, which has been created out of Kamwenge District
  • Kazo District, which has been created out of Kiruhura District
  • Rwampara District, which has been created out of Mbarara District
  • Obongi District, which has been created out of Moyo District.

    Programme for Elections of interim chairpersons in the seven Newly Districts

The Electoral Commission also set 25th July as polling day for Local Council (Village) 149 Chairpersons and Parish Chairpersons (13) in different parts of the country who were not able to conduct or conclude the 10th July 2018 and 27th July 2018 elections. Accordingly, the Electoral Commission has approved the programme for the conduct of residual elections for Chairpersons of Villages and Parishes where the electoral process was not concluded due to the following reasons;

  1. Elections were postponed due to a tie
  2. No nominations were conducted
  3. Resignation of elected Chairperson
  4. Violence conduct leading to destruction of election materials (Register)
    Press programme for LC1 and LCII Residual Elections

    The Electoral Commission called upon all stakeholders in this electoral process to participate in the above activities in accordance with the guidelines for these residual elections.

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