Egypt, Sudan Kick Off Consultations To Curb Tension Over Ethiopian Dam

Egypt, Sudan Kick Off Consultations To Curb Tension Over Ethiopian Dam

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By Spy Uganda Correspondent

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit said that consultations are ongoing between Egypt and Sudan from one side and international parties on the other to address the file of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

In an interview Abul Gheit noted that the Nile Basin’s downstream countries and the international community cannot accept to have Ethiopia imposing its will in defiance of international law and rules in the using of waters of international rivers.

The issue that should be addressed is the importance of Ethiopia’s respect for international law.

On the Palestinian cause, Abul Gheit asserted that the US was not enthusiastic about the two-state solution between the Palestinians and Israelis unlike the Europeans.

He warned of attempts to bury the Arab Peace Initiative, saying that Israel should prove its seriousness about the two-state solution through its actions.

On the situation in Syria, Abul Gheit said that the UN envoy to Syria has failed to achieve any breakthrough until now. He warned of the grave humanitarian conditions in the country, noting that the continued US and Russian military presence and the muscle-flexing by Iran and Israel are impeding efforts for reaching a political settlement in Syria. an accessible web community

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