By Our Reporter
Minister of Ethics & Integrity Hon. Lukodo Simon said officers from his ministry have been investigating Mr. Sengooba’s Hope children’s centre, Bugiri over the type of syllabus & literature.

The centre was founded & funded by Mr.Sengooba a young man that i knew very well in promoting homos.
My team of investigators questioned the volunteers from abroad, local teachers & non-teaching staff as to why they force children to admire & appreciate homosexuality? It’s not yet over; I’ve to ensure that these devils are deported back to their countries, the centers project manager identified as a one, Kimeze didn’t answer our calls. Angry Lokodo told our reporter.

One of workers at the centre who preferred anonymity said the authorities would’ve warned his bosses than closing his work place which has been helping them in terms of jobs, helping children in basic needs & paying their tuition.

It may be noted that within this very year a fleet of BIA academies, said to have been founded by ex-Ugandan business man Sengooba was under criticism following similar complaints of sodomy & following the discovery of unsuitable literature in school’s library, said Lukodo.

An angry parent at Hope children’s centre, Bugiri enraged after it emerged that the volunteers have been teaching their children with inappropriate study materials.
The management of the closed children’s centre is accused of assigning inappropriate class work which doesn’t match with Ugandan education syllabus.
The class work has been trending via social media & it’s said to have been leaked by a one local worker at Hope children’s centre.
This has caused anger in Parliament, local Government authorities and village local authorities.
Look at classwork they give to pupils, of what value do these devil’s agents from abroad instill in our children? The centre has been a sodomy point,
This is so pathetic, how safe are our children with such European’s bad manners they’re teaching Ugandan children? Mr. Lutwa Tony a newly elected LC1 Chairman (ruling party NRM party) said.
He adds that they saw one of the scripts entitled A good boy which has a composition “Ken is good, He lives with 2 men, both sleep on one bed together”
Executive director Family Life Network, Mr. Langa Steven when called, said “This is a wakeup call to parents, government & other stakeholders in this country you’ve to take extra care, and you’re the custodians of these future generations.
Europeans have negative motives they’re targeting Africans into sodomy, we can’t trust these people with our children, the founder/funder is a pro [sodomy promoter] his sodomy scandalous stories are still trending in media.
Dear parents be careful don’t be fooled with this so called EU charities or donors, No matter how poor you’re, don’t let your children be preys of these evils,
Sexual education had been a controversial debate in the parliament of Uganda over the past years, criticized by MPs saying classes can turn into atoll of topics that compromise the mind-sets of the youths.
This year, the Education minister/First lady, Janet Museveni banned sexual education concepts saying that it targets school going children & youths on grounds of sodomy which undermines Uganda’s culture & tradition values.
The embattled & closed Hope childrens centre was founded by a business mogul of pearl group of companies Mr. Sengooba K. Robert alias Raymond, according to exclusive documents seen.
2014, members of 8th parliament passed Anti Homosexuality Act & was signed by the president. The law punishes the first offenders to a 7 years jail term, well as 2nd, 3rd, aggravated homosexuality including minors, those tested HIV/AIDS positive & homosexuality promoters to a life imprisonment & fine of 50790 dollars equal to Ugandan shillings 158M (One hundred fifty eight million).