Ex Minister Kabafunzaki Sweats Plasma Bribery Case Resumes

Ex Minister Kabafunzaki Sweats Plasma Bribery Case Resumes

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By Alex Kalangi


After disruption by the prosecutors’ industrial action last year, trial of suspended minister Herbert Kabafunzaki resumed on Wed. The minister, alongside his co-accused appeared before high court judge Margaret Tibulya.


Prosecution led by state attorney Barbara Kawuma produced its key witness Muhammad Hamid, the proprietor of Aya Investments. Muhammad narrated to court how the minister tried to solicit 15 million shillings from him and in return he would be cleared of allegations of sexual harassment.


Amidst recorded negations the witness says he was able to get the minister nabbed by police.


He identified various evidence that pins the minister including an envelope that had money, one hundred notes in 50,000 denominations totaling to Shs 5m, audio and visual recordings that captured the proceedings between AyaTycoon Muhammad and the minister.


Minister Kabafunzaki is battling corruption charges after he was arrested on 8th April 2017 when he was caught ready-handed receiving a Shs 5million bribe from Muhammad Hamid at Serena Hotel in Kampala.


According to prosecution, the said money was to act as inducement so that the minister could drop sexual harassment charges levied against Muhammad Hamid by his female employee at Aya.

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