By Spy Uganda
Kampala: The exclusive information from very highly placed sources with in the state apparatus and Gen.Katumba Wamala’s camp allege that the General’s assassination could be deriving from on going deadly scandals at the Entebbe Airport where Uganda Airlines (under Katumba’s docket of Ministry of Works & Transport) top bosses have been suspended over corruption.

Our most reliable sources on condition of anonymity revealed to our spy that Gen.Katumba Wamala’s troubles started when he reported Air port corruption scandals to president Museveni, that was to ruin the young air line. In response, Museveni fired every one in the top leadership begining with its CEO downwards! Only the sweepers and cleaners survived, the source added.
“Gen.Wamala is a clean man, and yet the ministry Muzei gave him is full of “deals”, where by they want Katumba’s signature for them to thrive. He has foiled multi billion dubious deals ranging from construction of roads to bridges, Sheep on the lakes, among other facilities. The latest one being the deals at the airport which the suspended staff were involved in and are still under investigations. So definitely, one could expect that they would retaliate, and in a ‘big way’, and I have a feeling Gen.Katumba, being a highly trained General, I’m sure he knows about these likelyhoods, source added.

Meanwhile, previously our sources within Katumba’s ministry of transport indicated that he has for the last several months not been impressed with the performance of the airline amid reports of abuse of office and financial mismanagement on the part of the senior management team.
Matters are said to have been exacerbated by a recent report of the Auditor General, which focused on the airline’s performance in the financial years 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, which indicated that the airline had posted a loss of Shs15b in the Financial Year 2018/2019 and losses of a staggering Shs102b in the Financial Year 2019/2020.
“The company was unable to realise its planned revenue, yet the expenditure on operations was way above projected costs. The company only realised $9.9m (Shs36b or 10.8 per cent) of the project revenue of $92.8m (Shs334b),” Mr John Muwanga, the Auditor General, noted in his report.
The report further pointed out that the airline’s expenses overshot planned costs and actual revenue, and that at least $29.2m (Shs105b) was expended on direct costs and another $3.6m (Shs13b) on direct costs.
The report also suggested that the airline had accumulated deficits during the Financial Year 2018/2019, which points to a risk of failure to meet future obligations and investment plans.
The report also indicated that the airline had failed to implement its business plan in accordance with the planned timelines because its business plan was not annualized and that the timelines, along with planned activities meant to be achieved, were not specified. That, according to the Auditor General, made it difficult for one to evaluate the airline’s progress.