Farmers’ Guide With Joseph Mugenyi: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Sour Secrets Leak

Farmers’ Guide With Joseph Mugenyi: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Sour Secrets Leak

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By Joseph Mugenyi

These are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.

On 2 September, farmers had a consultants discussion on GMOs chaired by Mr. Raymon Mpamizo where many secrets were disclosed as below.

GMOs rely a lot on chemicals and once produced they are refused to be exported to foreign countries and only left to be consumed by us yet we import most of these Agrochemicals from their countries. We’re the ones to feel the pinch of GMOs.

Treating a tomato

GMOs have a hidden target against Africans ask yourself why USA would get bothered about the refusal to sign it into law. (Nyina mwana alizire yaleka ngu mukaise ati banzike nawe?) Meaning a step mother can’t cry more than a real mum of the dead.

Some farmers believe that some GMOs introduced come while carrying some fungi or bacterial that reproduce and grow in the soil gradually after planting these GMOs.

This comes after the spread of banana fussarium wilt that we also testified here in Uganda.

It is suspected to have been transmitted by the fia bananas that government had introduced.

Affected Banana

Basing on the fact that, most farmers affected by fussarium wilt say after fia lost market, they cut them down and they planted the usual bananas which are now affected, however most parts that didn’t have fia planted have healthy bananas up-to date. (I’m among the victims!)

Affected Banana stem

Imagine banana fussarium wilt (tadura) started in Panama America, so how could it easily come to Africa?

Right now farmers are enjoying GMOs but your children and grandchildren are the ones to suffer because of what we are doing now.

In time to come we shall start buying seeds of almost every crop e.g. mangoes.. (Imagine going to buy mango seeds)

The recent GMOs have very few, soft and small seeds inside the fruit which can’t easily grow while planted.

They need use of more agrochemicals for easy growing.

More Secrets and questions to answer..

Did you know that GMOs are already on the Ugandan market unregulated?

Did you know that legalising the sale of GMOs is a section of the bill and the biggest section is about Biosafety!

Do you really think GMOS are more dangerous than Homosexuality to our country?

Has any of the people here taking a stand against the bill read it or we are all talking from hearsay?

Dear farmers be wise enough. GMOs could unwittingly exacerbate, instead of resolving the food security and healthcare questions in our country.

Other farmers’ consultants in the meeting were Mr. Kasangaki Charles, Dr.Kellen Kirabo, Mr Nyikirize Julius, MJ farmer among others

Get all the agricultural information here bi-weekly.Mugenyi Joseph (MJ Farmer) is a practicing Agribusiness entrepreneur based in Kibiito and a software Engineering student at Makerere University. He can be reached on 0701-443309, an accessible web community

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