FIFA World Cup: Western Countries Sold Their Votes To Qatar For Mega Deals To Benefit Their Nations, African Leaders Tabled Individual Bank Accounts-Andrew Irumba

FIFA World Cup: Western Countries Sold Their Votes To Qatar For Mega Deals To Benefit Their Nations, African Leaders Tabled Individual Bank Accounts-Andrew Irumba

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By Spy Uganda

While football fans all over the world are excited to watch the FIFA World Cup 2022, the decision to host it in Qatar remains as controversial as ever, having been met with a series of criticism from a myriad of football fans.

The above anger boils from the new Netflix’s documentary called ‘FIFA uncovered” which gives an astonishing spotlight on the allegations of corruption that has tainted FIFA’s image over the last decade, but this is not our main concern, the documentary reveals that as western countries sold their votes to Qatar in exchange for juicy & mega deals to benefit their nations, greedy African leaders tabled their individual bank accounts to receive peanuts of dollars.

Andrew Irumba Katusabe, a staunch Pan Africanist and founder of Ugandan based PAN AFRICAN PYRAMID (PAP) organization, says the documentary should be a must watch for every African to see how their greedy leaders are the obstacles to continent’s development.

He inks his opinion below;

”There are huge lessons to take home for the black race regarding this penchance to put personal greed ahead of community good and development.

Qatar basically won the hosting right for the world cup by buying up majority of the members in the 22-man committee which voted in the decision to award the 2022 world cup hosting right to the gulf nation.

Michel François Platini a French football administrator, in return for his vote forced the Qataris to enter into an arms deal with France worth billions of dollars, plus buy their aircrafts, and a football club in France (Yeah, that’s how they came about Paris Saint-Germain F.C. (PSG).

The Brazilians traded their vote for a gas deal which saw the setting up of a fully functional mega gas plant in the Amazon nation.

The Africans among them asked for 1.5 million dollars wired straight to their personal accounts.

Like bro, you came to the table where nation-changing deals were being made and all you cared for was your personal account balance? Not the millions of lives that could be changed forever? You didn’t ask for your country’s share of those far reaching deals of epic national proportions worth in the regions of several hundred millions of dollars. Instead you went for a self serving interest thereby denying your people the luxury of a better life?

That Netflix documentary summed up the mentality of the African man in its entirety. If you are wondering why it’s the richest yet poorest continent, look no further.

And this is exactly the curse of Africa where we trade our jewelry for mirrors! Where we don’t decipher and plan for long term and social well-being but we opt for personal trinkets and stomachs! I sign out!!” an accessible web community

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