By Spy Uganda
Kampala: The Federation of Uganda Football Association (FUFA) has announced that the 97th Ordinary Assembly will be physical in nature and will be hosted by the Eastern Region Football Association at the Wash & Wills Hotel in Mbale (in Elgon Ball Hall).

As per FUFA Circular No.1146, the attendance at this AGM will be only to accredited persons who will be permitted to attend and access the venue through tight COVID-19 SOPs.
READ ALSO: 97th General Assembly: FUFA Dispatches Documents To Member Associations & Delegates

The federation says, ”there will be strict compliance to the COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with only delegates (persons) who have taken COVID-19 tests within 72 hours before the start of the Assembly and obtained PCR negative results shall be allowed to attend the Assembly.”

”Observance of COVID-19 SOP’s including wearing a face mask (covering nose and mouth) shall be followed strictly as well as social distancing,” adds FUFA.

TheSpy Uganda has further learnt that all the attendees must wear formal suits or traditional African attire (preferably FUFA branded suits but if not yet obtained any formal suit).
READ ALSO: FUFA General Assembly To Be Held In Mbale, Meeting Dates Announced
These come few days after FUFA Secretariat dispatched distribution of the Convocation to the Delegates for this very assembly.
List of Documents Dispatched
1- Notice of 97th FUFA Ordinary General Assembly date and Venue communicated to public in media on 18th and 19th May 2021.
2-Notice of 97th FUFA Ordinary General Assembly date and Venue communicated to Member Associations and Delegates on 20th May 2021.
3- Agenda
4-Minutes of the 96th FUFA Ordinary General Assembly
5- Financial Statements for the period ended December 2020
6- Budget 2022
7-FUFA Statutes
8- FUFA Electoral Documents
9-FUFA Activity Calendar