FUFA’s Compliance Department; The Source Of Achievements Of Magogo’s Leadership

FUFA’s Compliance Department; The Source Of Achievements Of Magogo’s Leadership

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By Spy Uganda

Kampala: The Compliance Department was established in September 2018 under the CEO’s Office, which is the Governance arm of the eight (8) Focus Areas of FUFA.

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The core functions of the Department are:
ď‚· Internal Audit
ď‚· Budgeting & Planning
ď‚· Management Reporting
ď‚· Monitoring Internal Controls

The first major task of the Compliance Department was to enhance the Financial and Management reporting function.

To this end and in conjunction with the Finance Department, the existing Financial Policies and Procedures Manual was overhauled in order to provide a more robust, effective and efficient financial and management accounting environment.

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The revised Finance Manual was approved by the FUFA Exco in the 1st Quarter of 2019 and a new Financial Accounting Software-SunSystems was rolled out at the same time.

This has gone a long way in creating a more reliable Management Information System (MIS) and engendered stakeholder confidence through better and more timely accountability.

During this period to date, all accountabilities for funding from FIFA, CAF, Government of Uganda, Sponsorship partnerships and internally generated sources have been given a clean bill of health by the respective external auditors.

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During the past two years, the Department has been instrumental in strengthening the Budgetary Monitoring and Control process through reviewing all requisitions for funds and ensuring that expenditure is properly approved and charged to the appropriate budget lines and sources of funds. This has improved on planning and forecasting as well as an analytical review of budgetary performance on a quarterly and annual basis, which supports Management decision making.

The Department is working with the respective HODs to ensure effective implementation of Departmental work plans. The exercise is done through a Quarterly Review of the work plans and highlighting both milestones and challenges, which enable the HODs to focus on their KPIs. These Reports are presented to Management at the Exco Meetings to keep them abreast with what is going on within each department in the execution of the overall Strategic Plan of FUFA.

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The Department has also performed a compliance review of selected departments within FUFA to identify weaknesses in internal controls, processes and procedures; and recommend remedial action.

This is an ongoing exercise and it is to encompass all the respective departments within the Secretariat. The outcome of these reviews, it is expected, will strengthen the operations of the Secretariat in pursuit of FUFA’s Vision to be the number one football Nation in Africa on and off the field.

During the 4th Quarter of 2019, there was a restructuring of the FUFA Secretariat with the creation of a position for Deputy CEO in charge of Governance in the CEOs office. The Compliance Department was put under the direct supervision of the Deputy CEO -Governance while retaining its original mandate.

Overall the department continues to pursue its core duties of ensuring that the Federation complies with all Statutory and Other Regulatory obligations while performing its roles and responsibilities to develop, promote and protect football for all.

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