Generous: MP Kibaaju Donates COVID-19 Relief Food To Starving  Boda-boda Riders, Religious Leaders

Generous: MP Kibaaju Donates COVID-19 Relief Food To Starving Boda-boda Riders, Religious Leaders

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By Michael Atwakiire

Sheema: Naome Kibaaju, the Sheema North Member of Parliament has again stood up for her people by donating 8 tonnes of maize flour to boda-boda riders and religious leaders to help feed their families during the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown.

While delivering her donation on Saturday, Kibaaju said boda-boda riders are among the people who were stopped from working ever since the lockdown started yet they depend on their daily activities for survival.

She noted that “Most of the boda-boda riders are youths who haven’t saved any money, which means that they are suffering a lot to get food during these days. That is what prompted me to give them posho to be shared amongst themselves.”

Some of the posho MP Kibaaju donated

She added however that when she was still preparing posho for the boda-boda riders, the Holy Spirit appeared to her husband Obadiah Ntebekeine Rushambuza, who also added two tonnes of posho to be shared by all religious leaders and Local Council Chaipersons in Sheema North, saying that as a family they learnt that even religious leaders are suffering silently.

 Kibaaju also donated one tonne of maize seeds for planting and urged Sheema North people to plant the seeds such that they can get what to eat tomorrow.

Boda-boda riders ready to receive their posho

She also added 1000 quality face masks from Nytil which will be freely distributed to elderly people above 65 years old in her constituency, saying that they need the masks most since COVID-19 affects them most severely.

Kibaaju’s donations surprised Sheema Resident District  Commissioner (RDC) Frank Kyereere, who said that he has already received relief items worth over Shs75M from her.

“I’m out of words because at first you gave us Shs500,000, washing facilities and daily soap. Then later you brought here Shs20M and we thought that it was enough but you added 12 tonnes of posho.

Today I got overwhelmed when I received your call telling me that you want to bring 8 tonnes of posho, masks and maize seeds. You’re indeed an exceptional  leader, ” Kyereere said.

Canon David Kabigumira, the Chairman LC V Sheema District, urged Sheema North people not to eat the maize seeds but to keep them until the second rain season comes such they can plant them so as to fight the looming famine as result of the COVID-19 lockdown. an accessible web community

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