Genocide Suspect Beatrice Munyenyezi Arrives In Rwanda, Faces Seven Counts

Genocide Suspect Beatrice Munyenyezi Arrives In Rwanda, Faces Seven Counts

By Spy Uganda CorrespondentĀ 

1994 Rwandan genocide suspect Beatrice Munyenyezi arrived in Rwanda on Friday, April 16, after being deported from the United States.

Rwandan local mediaĀ reported that Munyenyezi was in the past sentenced to 10 years for fraudulently obtaining U.S. citizenship and entering the United States and securing citizenship by lying about her role in the genocide against the Tutsi.

She also denied affiliation with any political party, despite her husbandā€™s leadership role in the extremist Interahamwe militia.

She was recently released from prison after she completed her sentence. Upon arrival on Friday, the suspect was handed over to the Immigrations Office before being delivered to Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB).

ā€œHer deportation means a lotĀ  in terms of justice delivery to genocide victims,ā€ said RIB spokesperson Thierry Murangira.

He added: ā€œthis comes at a time when there is an indictment against her for her alleged role in the genocide against the Tutsi.ā€

According to the investigation bureau, Munyenyezi is suspected of seven crimes; Murder as a genocide crime, conspiracy to commit genocide, planning of the genocide, complicity in genocide, incitement to commit genocide, extermination, and complicity in rape.

During the genocide, in the now Huye District, Munyenyezi would stand on roadblocks and check identifications to identify Tutsi.

Munyenyezi is the wife of Arsene Ntahobali, who, together with his mother Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, were sentenced to life in prison by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda for their role in the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Munyenyezi denied accusations of involvement in the genocide during her trial in the United States. She did not speak to waiting journalists as Rwandan police took her into custody when she arrived.

According to RIB, the suspect will be detained as investigations continue, before sending her case to prosecution. an accessible web community

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