By Andrew Irumba
Rukiga: The government of Uganda has compensated the family of a Ugandan who was killed by soldiers of Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) with Shs10 as condolences.

Alex Nyesiga Atuheire, a resident of Nyakabungo village in Kamwezi, Rukiga district, was shot dead together John Batista Nkyerengye, a Rwandan, over the weekend by RDF soldiers who pursued the duo into Uganda, accusing them of allegedly smuggling merchandise into Rwanda. Nkyerengye’s body was handed over by the Ugandan government to Rwandan government officials at the border point in Kamwezi on Monday, amidst tension from both sides.
The government’s condolence to the Ugandan Family was delivered to his relatives by Rukiga Woman Member of Parliament Caroline Kamusiime Muhwezi. While handing over the money, Kamusiime said the money was given out on the orders of President Yoweri Museveni to purposely support the deceased’s children. Nyesiga is survived by four children. Kamwezi Sub County Chairman Teddyson Niwagaba says that the incident should encourage Uganda to seek dialogue with Rwanda to end the animosity between the two neighbouring countries.

Rwanda closed its borders with Uganda on February 27, 2019, to purportedly expedite the construction of the single customs at Gatuna border. Rwanda advised truck drivers destined to Kigali to use Kagitumba border via Mirama Hills and also advised its citizens against travelling to Uganda, saying it couldn’t guarantee their safety. Rwanda later accused Uganda of hosting and facilitating dissidents attached to the Rwanda National Congress-RNC and the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda FDLR, abducting Rwandan Nationals in Uganda, some of whom are illegally detained and others deported.