Gov’t To Digitalise Boda-boda Registration, Unveils System To Capture Data For All Motorcycles In Uganda

Gov’t To Digitalise Boda-boda Registration, Unveils System To Capture Data For All Motorcycles In Uganda

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By Spy Uganda

The government of Uganda is soon to announce new regulations for Boda-boda operators and owners of motorcycles, just like it was done for taxi and bus operators who were told to register with the Ministry of Works and Transport so as to acquire Route Charts.

We have established from our sources that according to the new regulations, all Boda-boda operators will have to register digitally such that they can be added by the Ministry of Works and Transport onto the national data base for Boda-Bodas.

Our Spies reveal that the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is working out modalities of implementing a system  that will register all Boda-bodas and motorcycles operating within Metropolitan Kampala and other parts of the country, such that they can easily be tracked in case of an accident, theft or involvement in criminal activities.

Min. Peter Ogwang’s tweet about the new government system that will register Boda-bodas across the country

The said Boda-Boda Management system, which will be announced as soon as it starts rolling, will also assign specific Route Charts to only motorists who have acquired verified driving permits from the Ministry of Works and Transport and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).   

While commenting about the new government digital registration system for Boda-bodas,  State Minister for ICT Peter Ogwang tweeted thus on Tuesday;

“We have activated a team of developers, who have come up with a Prototype that offers a technology solution for registration of Boda bodas operating across the country. This prototype was today presented to the Ministers of KCCA and Works.”

It should be noted that President Yoweri Museveni suspended the use of Boda-bodas a public transport means for people, because it  breaches the Ministry of Health directive of maintaining social distance as way of preventing the spread of Coronavirus. He urged Ugandans to only use Boda-bodas for transporting goods and luggage.

The police have since started arresting both the Boda-boda rider and the passenger whenever they find two people riding on a motorcycle.

However, despite the Presidential ban on using Boda-bodas to transport people, several cyclists within Kampala and its suburbs continue ferrying people around the country,  they are the quickest and most convenient means of transport for the common Ugandan. an accessible web community

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