Greedy Queen Mother, King Oyo Are Stealing From Us Only House Iddi Amin Gave Our Mother-Princess Mabel Komuntale Threatens To Drag Oyo To Court Over Boma House!

Greedy Queen Mother, King Oyo Are Stealing From Us Only House Iddi Amin Gave Our Mother-Princess Mabel Komuntale Threatens To Drag Oyo To Court Over Boma House!

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By Andrew Irumba

Wants Her Mother’s Property From King Oyo: Princess Mabel Komuntale

Tooro Kingdom: Princess Mabel Komuntale Akiiki, elder sister to late Omukama of Tooro, Patrick Mathew David Olimi Kaboyo Rukidi 111 (father to reigning King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi 1V), has threatened to drag Tooro queen mother (Oyo’s mother) Best Kemigisa Akiiki and her son Oyo to court for attempting to ‘steal’ Boma palace located on plot 10 Government Road, Fort Portal Tourism City.

Background of The Property:

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In 1967, when former prime minister Milton Obote abolished kingdoms, at the time, Omugo lady Kezia Byanjeru Abwooli was staying in Harukoto palace, which now became officers’ mess for Obote’s military men, where they would also jail those perceived to be ant-regime. When president Idd Amin took over power in 1971 from Obote in a coupe de’ta, he thought it wise to find a befitting residence for the now displaced lady Kezia since her place of aboard (Harukoto palace) had been taken over by military as tactical base.

Amin then instructed his then trusted Tooro Governor, Ozo to give lady Kezia a house in Boma for her to live with her seven children. Paperwork was done and a building on plot 10 Government road, Boma in Fort Portal was given to lady Kezia. That’s how the building changed status, from being a public property into a private property belonging to lady Kezia, wife to late king Kamurasi and mother to seven Babiito royal children, including late king Mathew Patrick Olimi Kaboyo Rukidi 111, father to current Omukama Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi 1V.

Initially, this house was part of the many Government houses built across the country to house Government workers. Bugolobi flats, Bukoto Flats in Kampala are some of the examples such arrangements.

Who are Omugo lady Kezia’s children she groomed from that house? Omugo Kezia gave birth to seven children, namely;

Princesses and Princes Elizabeth Bagaya Camphine, Mabel Komuntale Christine, Kaboyo Patrick Mathew (later adopted Olimi Rukidi 111 when he became king), Jimmy Mugenyi, Damalie Komukyeya, Racheal Margaret Kabasweka and Silver died at a very tender age.

Back to Princess Mabel Komuntale’s Issue:

According to Princess Mabel Komuntale, Omukama Oyo Nyimba, who’s a grandson to late Omugo Kezia and Queen mother Best Kemigisa, who’s not even a mubiito, but a woman married into the family by her late young brother (Olimi Kaboyo), now want to ‘inherit’ their late mother’s estate when they’re still alive!

“I want you to just imagine a grandson and his mother, who came into the home, inheriting your mother’s property, even when her children are still breathing. As if that’s not enough, they go ahead and deter you (with security) from accessing your own home, which is your mother’s place! A place our mother groomed us from while we called it home, now I have to seek permission from Best Kemigisa from Butuku, to access it, can you people believe this?!,” Mabel was heard on phone explaining to one of the elderly members of Isaazi Lya’bantu Bakuru Ba Tooro, a forum that brings together Tooro elders and opinion leaders.

Our ever alert Spy has also managed to intercept a letter princess Mabel wrote to King Oyo and Best Kemigisa copied to Isaazi Lyabantu Bakuru Ba’Tooro.

Mabel, in her strongly worded letter, warns both Oyo and his mother Kemigisa to immediately vacate the said house and hand it over to her before ‘unthinkable’ happens to them!

Bellow Is The Unedited Letter

“The Estate of Lady Kezia-Nyina Omukama

23rd November 2021

To. Omukama Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi 1V and Owekitinisa Nyina Omukama Best Kemigisa
 I Princess Mabel Komuntale of The House of Ababiito of Toro Kingdom, I wish to put you on notice.
Re; Plot 10 Government Road, Booma, City of Fort Portal, Toro
The above-named Estate was the property of our mother Omugo Lady Kezia Byanjeru Abwooli, Nyina Omukama, as a grant from the Administration of Gen Iddi Amin, and is not and has never been the property of our brother Kabumba Olimi Patrick Kaboyo Rukidi 111. Kabumba Olimi Kaboyo stayed there by courtesy of his/our mother because he (Kabumba) had refused to stay in a small house given to him near Trufmac, Boma by Obote Government when the Kingdoms were abolished in 1967.
Kabumba lived with his/our mother, his untie and Racheal at Plot 10 Government Road. Booma until he married Best Kemigisa, but that didn’t mean the house belonged to him.
1-Our mother thought it right for her to move out temporarily because she couldn’t stay in the same house with her son Kabumba Olimi who had just got married to Best Kemigisa.
2-A request by her children for the inheritance of their mother’s said property was made in writing by my brother Prince Jimmy Mugenyi (late) and my sister Princess Damali Komukyeya Kankya (late) to Nyina Omukama Best Kemigisa who sent them a message directing them to contact Rutuku at the Palace {Ha Kikali]
3-The second request was made by my sisters Princess Racheal Kabasweka and Princess Damali Komukyeya Kankya to Omukama Oyo and his mother Nyina Omukama Best Kemigisa. Omukama Oyo asked them where they stay when they are in Toro? My sisters replied him: At Jimmy’s. The said property was given to them by neither Omukama nor his mother Nyina Omukama Best Kemigisa.
4-The said property was not included when Nyina Omukama Best Kemigisa was applying for letters of Administrations of Toro Land for her late husband’s private property. Mind you, a king is just a trustee for the Batooro people.
5-Several people have lost their lives over Tooro Kingdom properties during Omukama Oyo’s reign. We don’t want that to continue.
                                                                                                                      I Princess Mabel Komuntale make a humble request for our Mother’s Estate to be handed over to me; without any unnecessary delay.
With hindsight to avoid regrettable consequences, I am kindly requesting for you to agree willingly to give me my late mother’s Estate property at Plot 10 Government Road, Booma, Fort Portal. Kind Regards
Mabel Komuntale-Princess of Toro of House of Ababiito
cc: The Head of the Babiito Clan
Isaazi Ly’abantu Bakuru B’atooro
Omubiito Edward Rugumayo Amooti”
Mabel still lives in the UK. an accessible web community

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