By Gad Masereka
Kasese: The government recently struck a deal with several companies to start growing marijuana in Uganda and exporting to Canada, Germany and other countries.
But regardless of the good things marijuana can do with health, many people look at it as something that is harmful to human life. Among those are local in Hima, Kasese district where Pharma LTD, an Israeli company, is set to set up marijuana plantations. The locals in Hima town council have urged the government to stop the investors from starting up marijuana plantations in their area. On April 16th, 2019 government announced the coming of investors from Israel to set a marijuana plantation in Hima town council, Busongora north constituency, Kasese district.
But Michael Kambale, the LC I chairperson Kikongo lower zone, says that “What the government has done is something which is so dangerous to the people of Hima and Busongora north at-large.” He noted that people will want to get the marijuana from the gardens and in most cases will misuse it. He added this “This will make youth in the area get addicted to this drug because it will be easy for them to get it.” Additionally, parents in the area are also worried about the future of their children. Enoch Ndibalema, a parent in Hima town council said that “Out children are going to become spoilt because of marijuana.” He added that “People should not get surprised in the next ten years when the number of mad people increases in Hima town council.”