If Sri Lanka Can We Also Can: Protestors Give South Africa’s Ramaphosa 48hrs To Step Down

If Sri Lanka Can We Also Can: Protestors Give South Africa’s Ramaphosa 48hrs To Step Down

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By Spy Uganda

The ANC has been given 48 hours to force President Cyril Ramaphosa to step down by protestors who marched to Luthuli House in ANC regalia.

This comes amid growing calls for Ramaphosa to step down amid the Phala-Phala saga which saw the alleged theft of millions from his Limpopo farm.

The protesters came out in their numbers, expressing their unhappiness with how the ANC is handling the issue of the Phala-Phala Farm in Limpopo.

Dressed in ANC regalia, they are demanding that, party president Cyril Ramaphosa be suspended pending investigations on the robbery that took place at the farm in 2020.

The protest was led by Carl Niehaus, Supra Mahumapelo and Des Van Rooyen. Mahomapelo says Ramaphosa knew all along that something was wrong at his farm, but chose to keep quiet about it, and that is problematic.

“Ramaphosa knew something was wrong – why did he choose to keep quiet about it – we are not taken seriously here and we need to take action on the matter, soon.”

Other demands in the memorandum include the reduction of Petrol price, the conversion of the ANC Policy conference into the first two days as a National General Council, the NGC and then the remaining days be dedicated to the Policy Conference. The group of ANC members is also demanding that load-shedding be a thing of the past in South Africa. They gave the ANC 48 hours to announce Ramaphosa stepping down.

Protestor, Senzo Nkabinde says “By Sunday 17 July, he must go or we are going to occupy SABC, NPA …..effect a citizens arrest.”

The march started three hours after the set time – from Meritzfield Gerald Square to Luthuli House in Johannesburg. The memorandum was received by the ANC Head of Presidency, Sibongile Besani and National Executive Committee member, Collen Maine.

If ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa does not heed to this call by the protestors for him to step down, it remains to be seen how events will play out, come Monday.

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