By Our Reporter
Well, she could have succeeded in ‘delegating’ the role of investigating COSASE members to Internal Security Organization (ISO), but we’re yet to see if the Inspector General of Gov’t Irine Mulyagonja will transfer the burden of proving why she has so far, allegedly failed on her constitutional duty of investigating a public servant.

TheSpy Uganda has it on good authority that a whistle blower who petitioned the ombudsman to investigate the suspicious wealth of Mrs.Justine Bagyenda, former Executive director Banks supervision Bank of Uganda (BoU) is in final preparations to drag her to court over neglect of her constitutional duty.
The whistle blowers who wrote to IGG clearly stating the reason for the investigation, sources say, were instead arrested on orders of the IGG for alleged ‘black mail’ and threating violence as they tried to follow up the progress of their petition.

In November 2018, security agencies kidnapped Ben Sebuguzi (Sec.Gen.) and Lillian Mukiibi, all members of Poor Youth Research-Uganda on allegations of threatening to harm the Inspector General of Government (IGG) Irene Mulyangonja and spent several days without trace.

Police later came out and said they had been held at Special Investigations Unit (SIU) Kireka under interrogations for threatening the IGG. They were however later released.

Through their lawyer, they argue that the actions of the IGG amount to impunity and abuse of public code of conduct and professional ethics, and now demand her office to act on their petition or face legal battle at her own peril and embarrassment.

“TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that our instruction is to remind you of the responsibility conferred upon you by the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and Inspectorate of Government Act and demand from, as we hereby do, a report about the investigations so far into Justine Bagyenda’s Illicit undeclared wealth as a public officer and UGX 15.000,000, (Fifteen Million Shillings) as our legal fees within 2 days from the date of receipt hereof.
Failure to heed to the above will attract legal proceedings against you at your own peril detriment and obvious public embarrassment,” reads part of the notice of intention to sue drawn by Nsubuga K.S & Co.Advocates. Read full statement below…
We act for and on behalf of YOUTH POWER RESEARCH UGANDA, “OUR CLIENT” on whose strict instructions we address you as hereunder; It’s well in your knowledge that our client through letters dated 03/07/2018 requested an investigation report of the involvement of Justine Bagyenda (Former Director Supervision Bank of Uganda, in the dissolution of Crane Bank LTD and other banks whereupon you intimated that you did not have the mandate to do the same as the matter was already in court and before COCASE.
Our client went ahead and wrote another letter dated 9/06/18 requesting your office to Investigate Mrs.Justine Bagyenda’s illicit undeclared wealth as a public officer. The same issue was publically raised in the Newspapers, Radios and Television stations as it was a matter of public concern where your office had to act expeditiously in investigation of the same and come up with a report as you had promised but all was in vain.
To our client’s surprise, neither the said report nor an investigation has to date ever been done and/ or published despite your constitutional and statutory mandate and promises to our client. Instead our client’s representatives were arrested on charges of Blackmail and Threatening violence which were initiated by a complaint raised by you following their efforts to follow up the correspondences they had sent you and no response or action was being taken.
It is crystal clear that you have been reluctant, neglected and/ or deliberately ignored carrying out investigations into Mrs Justine Bagyenda’s illicitly acquired wealth as it is a known fact and the same is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that Mrs Bagyenda Justine is your known associate and close friend.
Your actions amount to impunity and abuse of public code of conduct and professional ethics.

TAKE NOTICE that your actions are not only malicious and breach of Constitutional and legal duty but also have caused a lot of confusion in Society, anxiety and mistrust of your office to our client.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that our instruction is to remind you of the responsibility conferred upon you by the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and Inspectorate of Government Act and demand from you, as we hereby do, a report about the investigations so far into Justine Bagyenda’s Illicit undeclared wealth as a public officer and UGX 15.000,000, (Fifteen Million Shillings) as our legal fees within 2 days from the date of receipt hereof.
Failure to heed to the above will attract legal proceedings against you at your own peril detriment and obvious public embarrassment. STAND DULY WARNED”