By Our Reporter
Drama ensued at the slain maverick police officer, Asp. Mohmed Kirumira’s burial site in Mpambire, Mpigi district on Sunday afternoon during the burial of Ex Buyende District Police Commander (DPC) who was gunned down by gunmen travelling on a blue police bike, Saturday night near his home in Bulenga, Mityana road eyewitnesses (their namesheld for anonymity) said.

On Sunday, mourners thronged at slain police officer’s ancestral home in Mpambire to attend his burial, among the groups of mourners were suspected to be fugitive, Sengooba’s Activists 4 Change (A4C) Anti Museveni pressure group, police said in their press release statement.
The rowdy angry group didn’t allow Internal Affairs minister Gen. Jeje Odongo & police spokesman, Emilan Kayima to give their speeches, instead they were heckled, shouted at, humiliated & pelted with endless stones falling on them like hail stones,(snow stones) which forced them to runaway & escape for safety.

The duo arrived to attend the burial but the angry mourners especially the youths, suspected to be Sengooba’s A4C were heard saying that they’re tired of Museveni’s regime, vampires like Kayima(police spokesman) the rowdy youths started throwing bottles & stones towards the state officials in which they had to escape the wrath of endless rowdy crowns especially the youths.
Similar events of hackling & pelting stones at state officials came on heels of another incident, Saturday night in which president, Museveni in his convoy was also heckled & pelted with stones in Katwe.
The former C.E.O Pearl group of companies (Sengooba) penned down a condolence message to the murdered high ranking police officer via his social media, Sengooba hailed his friend, former Old Kampala-O/C & Buyende District Police Commander Asp. Kirumira Mohmed for standing on the truth, criticising President Museveni & his bad regime.
He said it’s a crime in Uganda to criticise the president, Sengooba added that he would have even died before his friends AIGP. Felix Andrew Kawesi & ASP. Kirumira Mohmed, but he has no doubt he will meet them in heaven, Below is his detailed full statement:
My friend Afande Kirumira, today you’re laid to rest at almost the same age (35 years) Iam still struggling to believe that you’re gunned down in cold blood on junta, Museveni’s orders. It’s sad that tyrant Museveni can’t allow me to leave in Uganda peacefully, I missed both burial ceremonies yours & that of my brother from another mum, AIGP. Andrew Felix Kawesi(May he RIP)I looked at the pictures we took together while seated in my living room, I tried to think of our plans ahead for the goodness of Uganda, equality, unity & social justice. They’ve killed you but tyrant Museveni will not stop our struggle, We shall always stand on our feet & oppose what’s wrong, we shall never stop criticising the juntas, vampires, we shall neva give up, Ugandans will be free after Museveni’s exit at someday. May u Rest in power, Comrade!
It’s worth to note that president, Museveni openly pinned ASP. Kirumira Mohmed & Late AIGP. Kawesi Felix, of sharing state secrets & transmitting files to Museveni’s rivals, Sengooba based in Switzerland, Dr.Kiyingi Aggrey based in Australia & many more in United Kingdom said to be the funders of ADF,PRA & A4C rebels based in eastern part of DR.Congo & Ugandan homos.