By Spy Uganda Investigations Desk
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Last week we unearthed the brutality of the I&M bank which abducted the former Ericsson manager Hamba Mary Coreen and ‘smoothly’, working with the judiciary swiftly conveyed her to Luzira prison for 3 months now without her family members and lawyers.
To bring you up to speed, Coreen was abducted by a tinted drone car by four masked masculine men in Entebbe, at Entebbe Education Centre school gate as she dropped her kid to school at around 5:45 am.

This shocking incident happened on 17, June, 2024 on claims that she had defaulted Ugx125m from I&M Bank, a bank she was hearing for the first time.

“I have never even heard about I&M Bank in my life, I have never taken a loan from them, but they simply roughed me up without allowing me to explain myself, forcefully pushed me into a waiting tinted drone car and sped off to where I couldn’t know, all I heard from them was directing some people on phone that we’re at commercial court,” she narrated to our Chief Spy on Tuesday who visited her in Luzira prisons.

In her narration, Coreen says she got a salary loan from Orient Bank in 2017 amounting to about Ugx60m and cleared it fully in the agreed time, but months later saw I&M agents threatening to arrest her if she wasn’t willing to cough over Ugx125m
Now, for days our spy has been in all possible corners of this case seeking to get more details about this saga, especially, on how the Bank Goons knew the school should be dropping her child, time, directions to the school, her place of aboard etc that I&M could have compromised.
Our sources led us to a one Kayondo Ronald who happens to be Coreen’s very bitter ex-husband.
According to our reliable sources in Entebbe where Coreen resides, Kayondo and Coreen solemnized their marriage on 17, December, 2006 at St.Andrew Kaggwa Catholic Parish and court dissolved it on 22, March, 2022 by Nakawa Court, Family Division over irreconcilable differences after they got misunderstandings. It is said that during this scandal, Ronald rushed to court seeking to get a portion off Coreen’s property, including a house she allegedly built single-handedly from the little salary and loans she earned from Ericsson and other personal sources.
Court, however, after getting enough proof that this was Coreen’s house, ruled in her favor and warned Kayondo not to even stagger on this property since he didn’t contribute a single coin on it.

See Coreen’s Defence In The Embedded PDF Below 👇Â
Application- Hamba CoreenThe above was not enough for Kayondo, during this divorce case, Court also handed the two children sired by the duo to Coreen and ordered Kayondo to keep providing basic needs to them as their father, a thing Kayondo has never done for years now.
Now, it is said that the above left Kayondo cursing but even when the two separated, big-hearted Coreen told Kayondo that he has access to the children anytime he wished to check on them, contrary to what most women do when they separate with their husbands.
Coreen didn’t know that it is this access he gave to his ex husband that would one day see her in Luzira. Sources say after all that happened in Court, Kayondo didn’t take it lightly, he continued vowing to one day teach Coreen a lesson and cry for some time, and as a result of this in retaliation he connived with the I&M bank agents to have loan charges cooked against Coreen so that she can be arrested and in the end the house is sold to have the ‘fake’ loan settled. Remember this was Kayondo’s prayer in court back then, before court rejected the idea. Now he’s trying to use I&M Bank Agents, according to our sources.
It is said by Coreen’s sisters that two days before her arrest, Kayondo had made an impromptu visit in disguise of checking on children. But it has been revealed that actually Kayondo had taken years without checking on them, the day he checked on them, is when the mother of his children got arrested. They suspect that Kayondo had come to study the map and confirm that Coreen would be at school on Monday,amd the time, and then share with the Bank Agents.
They also say that when Coreen was arrested, they called Kayondo and informed him about it and asked him to pick the children since their only caretaker was now in prison. However, Kayondo told Coreen’s sister that he was very far upcountry, and that his vehicle had got a mechanic problem along the way he wasn’t sure when he would get to Kampala. But interestingly, it’s now 3 months since then they have never heard from him again, and the children he had come to check on, pretending to love them, he has no idea on whether they went back to school, or whether they have shelter and food.
“Since I told him to pick the children, it’s now 3 months, I think the car is still stack on the road,” wondered a relative to Coreen who took over the kids.
Tomorrow we bring you what I&M lawyers told Coreen’s lawyer when they met… It’s shocking and utter impunity, they even dictate to court the conditions of her bail application. “It’s money beats Gonza at play…..”