“It’s Time For Every Ugandan To Repent & Save Our Country From Disasters”-Metropolitan Jonah Lwanga

“It’s Time For Every Ugandan To Repent & Save Our Country From Disasters”-Metropolitan Jonah Lwanga

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By Frank Kamuntu

Kampala: Metropolitan Jonah Lwanga of Kampala and Uganda at large via his Christmas message, has urged every person to repent and turn back to Jehovah to save the country so far sunk in a couple of disasters saying that’s the true meaning of Christmas.

“In these hymns, the Church is inviting us. We may come out of the fall and wondering of sin, that which originates from Satan our enemy,” he said.

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In addition, he said that the nativity is an opportunity to be reborn given that man is created in the image of God. “The incarnation of the Word of God, in our Lord Jesus Christ, – Birth of the son of man perfect -, is a deed of our God, aiming to the repair of the “image and likeness” of every “person” in reference to God,” he added.

Finally, he wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Read the full message of the Metropolitan of Uganda:

Dear my beloved children in Christ!

Christ is Born!

The Word of God the Father, through whom all things were created, is born as Christ in flesh, the Son of Man, by the virgin girl Mary and the Holy Spirit, as the Prophets had foresaid long ago! Jn 1:1-2. Dan 7:13-14. Lk 1:26-38. Isa 7:14.

Man having been created in the “image and likeness” of God (Gen 1:27), became corrupt through the fall in sin (Gen 3), and was full of vileness, and was far away from divine life. The Creator this man restore anew (Jn 1:10). For he has glorified himself in Christ the Son of Man. Jn 13:31-32.

In these hymns, the Church is inviting us. We may come out of the fall and wondering of sin, that which originates from Satan our enemy (Gen 3). For this enemy is the one who undresses us the godly “image and likeness”, and dresses us his corruption and his own vices (Jn 8:44). Then we become incapable to wear goodness and the virtues of our God. While our God wants us to return back to our nature of a possible undying! He wants us to come from the rebellion against Him and against His divine commandments for us (Ex 20:1-17).

This problem in the world brings the Son Word, through whom all things were made, incarnate in Christ Jesus, so that He may remove us form the rebellion. Because, in the rebellion against God is where we become vicious, worshipers of idols (mammon), instead of worshipping our God (Ex 20:3). In the rebelliousness is where we become liars, swearing falsely, negligent of the creational laws and constitutional laws, rebellious, murderers, adulterers, robbers, swindlers, covetous of things not divine nor human! But the Lord God wants us to come out of all such ungodly things, and return back to our purpose of creation (Gen 1:26). The question is so important toward the whole human race on earth, and exceedingly toward our nation Uganda, which moves today perplexed in the violation of creational and constitutional laws.

Our humane brother, Paul the godly, in his letter to the Colossians 3:1-10, prepares for us a deposit upon this important matter above, in the following words below: “… Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God the Father (Jn1:1). 2 Set your minds on things above, not earthly things. 3 For (when baptised Jn 3:5) you died in the old, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 That means that, when Christ the Word, who is your life, appears, then you will also appear with him in glory! (When Christ the Word is well comprehended, who is our life, then we too walk with Him in the Kingdom of God). 5 Therefore, put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, indecency, lust, evil passions and greed, which all are idolatry. 6 Because of such things God’s wrath will come upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Yourselves too at one time you used to live according to such desires, when your life was dominated by them. 8 But now you must get ride of all these things: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its wicked practices and you have put on the new self (Christ) and His good deeds. (https://pawnandjewelry.com/) 10 This one being renewed by God the Creator in the image and likeness for the full knowledge of Himself”

Behold, how the question of the purpose of our creation is so important! Even God himself participate in it for the renewal of human race. But this important matter and its problems are not yet comprehended appropriately by most of the people, not only here in Uganda, but even in the whole world. Today, most of the people this is what they briefly and mistakenly call to be “born again” (to be born the second time Jn 3:3,7). But as we observe in Paul the godly, it is not simply to be born the second time, it is to be renewed, to be recreated, to be born from above in Heaven, with water and the Holy Spirit, through the mystery of human virtues, in nature and in practices; as human beings borne by God, as children (sons) of God indeed, in Christ the Word and the Holy Spirit. Ro 8:14-15,19,23,29.

According to this brief analysis, the incarnation of the Word of God the Father in Christ Jesus (Christmas) should not be considered as something to make fun with during our life time. When we consider the incarnation of the Word in Christ as something to joke with, then we become failed in the journey of comprehending our “image and likeness” to God, specifically as a nation in general. Because, in the “image and likeness” (in our essence) is where are the virtues of human mystery, upon which all values are structured in our works. That is to say, it is impossible to build this nation on the values themselves, when these have no foundation of virtues among the people individually. For instance, peace in a nation is built upon freedom itself of every one (person), but not upon power of guns! Also, the truth itself is searched by person who has faith, but not who has infidelity. And security in the nation derives from every person bearing self-authority, but not republicanism.

Finally, the incarnation of the Word of God, in our Lord Jesus Christ, – Birth of the Son of Man perfect -, is a deed of our God, aiming to the repair of the “image and likeness” of every “person” in reference to God. We too, the Ugandan people as human beings, are obligated to a renewal in nature of godliness, that containing virtues upon which values of our work are structured. Therefore, Ugandans all of you, in your capacities, we wish you that your primary necessity be realized. Be Born Anew, according to the image and likeness to God.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

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