Katanga Murder: Molly Katanga’s Wounds Are Self -Inflicted, Let Her Join Her Accomplices In Luzira Prison- Barnabas Taremwa Demands

Katanga Murder: Molly Katanga’s Wounds Are Self -Inflicted, Let Her Join Her Accomplices In Luzira Prison- Barnabas Taremwa Demands

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By Spy Uganda

Kampala: Following their application to the High Court of Uganda seeking to have an inquest into the gruesome murder of tycoon Henry Katanga on Wednesday, Kampala businessman Barnabas Taremwa and Gen Freddie Karara Machwa have demanded that Molly Katanga the alleged key suspect in the gruesome murder join her accomplices In Luzira prison.

The demands come after the DPP preferred murder charges against widow Molly Katanga who has been admitted at IHK Hospital where they say she is merely ‘lodging with self-inflicted wounds’.

According to the duo, Molly Katanga should join her co-accused persons in Luzira prison where they assert there are good enough facilities to take good care of her if she is sick and genuinely unwell as she claims.

The duo also claims that sacks of money have been made available to frustrate the process by the DPP and Courts of law to get to the truth.

They (Taremwa and Machwa) also talk of threatening phone calls their lawyers (Frank Kanduho and Paul Kutesa) have been receiving with those calling vowing to end their lives in the same way Henry Katanga met his death. They also announced the withdrawal of their inquest application whose objective was to demand court-level inquiry into what exactly happened.

The duo also declares readiness to aid and give prosecutors more evidence in case they require any to corroborate their case in order to ensure that Henry Katanga doesn’t die in vain. Below is the reproduction of their full media statement in its original form.

Here Is Their Full Statement

”We have, through our lawyers, M/s Kanduho & Co. Advocates and M/s Arcadia Advocates, gladly learnt that the learned DPP has since sanctioned charges against key accused persons in the murder of late Henry Katanga and in that regard, given that our principal motivation behind the inquest proceedings, oscillated before the High Court of Uganda, was to ensure that all myths and doubts touching the death of late Henry Katanga are unravelled through a judicious approach to truth-finding;

AND considering that the learned DPP has now taken a bold step in ensuring that whosoever it is that the available evidence pinpoints to in the death of late Henry Katanga is brought to book, we hereby unreservedly give our stamp of approval to the prosecutorial course and cause the inquest pursuit to fall by the wayside to allow the DPP room to have us, all, pursue a common objective.

FOR AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT; it is our considered view that the protagonists in the murder of late Henry Katanga who, so far, remain uncharged and the principal suspect, Molly Katanga, who still lodges at IHK hospital-Muyenga, are brought within close reach of the long arm of the law with all convenient speed:- the same way the late Henry Katanga was hurriedly buried should be reciprocated with the prompt arraignment of the principal accused in his murder, Molly Katanga, for we fervently believe that Luzira Maximum Prison is adequately tooled with the necessary facilities and personnel capable of attending to the self-inflicted wounds she has, over the last weeks, visited unto herself with the aid of her hired “managers.”

We further note that it serves justice no good keeping a principal aggressor in a murder case in the comfort of a hospital ward as their victim cum-demised husband keeps irrepressibly interred in their grave.

We demand of the Police an enabling environment for our maximum reach out and assistance to them either by ourselves or through our esteemed lawyers howsoever possible we can in ensuring that not a single protagonist in the murder of late Henry Katonga escapes the reach of the purview of justice.

We are aware that sacksful of money have since been deployed to the aid of the principal murder suspect and her accomplices in much the same way highly billed Army officers and other hired goons are on the loose to intimidate and possibly kill whosoever has identified with the course of justice BUT we remain as steadfast as we are unwavering in pursuing the cause and course to judiciously avenge the blood of late Henry Katanga.

In the coming days, we shall bring the Police and the DPP in the know of who it is that is out to employ extrajudicial antics unto the lives of potential witnesses in the murder of late Henry Katanga. We implore our lawyers, Frank Kanduho and  Paul Kuteesa, to rest assured of our every inch of support and solace as they grapple with threats of demobilization and annihilation from the agents of the chief perpetrator in the murder of late Henry Katanga.

As for the mass audience of men and women who loved late Henry Katanga and are passionate about justice, we implore you to tire not. We accordingly inform the honorable Court and whoever it may concern that our lawyers are under instructions to breathe life out of the inquest proceedings; they having achieved our ultimate goal, albeit in part.

Signed by Brig. Gen. Karara Freddie Machwa & Bwaniaga Barnabas Taremwa”.

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