Kimbejja Wetland Saga: Environmental Ministry Warned City Business Tycoon On Green Belt, Environmental Conservation Invain

Kimbejja Wetland Saga: Environmental Ministry Warned City Business Tycoon On Green Belt, Environmental Conservation Invain

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By Our Spy

Kiira Municipality: The city business tycoon, Mr.Robert Kiwanuka, who is currently replacing Kimbejja wetlands with swanky permanent residential apartments, was warned not to tamper with the wetland but instead ‘protect its adequate drainage system to avoid flooding in the area. Kimbejja wetland is located in Kirundambaata village, Namugongo, Kiira Municipality Wakiso District.

Letter To Mr Kiwanuka

READ ALSO: City Businessman Replaces Kimbejja Wetland With Swanky Apartments

In a letter from the Ministry of Water and Environment addressed to Mr.Robert Kiwanuka and Lizzie Kiwanuka dated May 4, 2021, of which TheSpy Uganda obtained a copy, NEMA’s mother ministry advised the tycoon to only do activities that are environmental friendly on the said land, and by all standards, concrete and permanent structures are not one of those environmental friendly activities.

The wetland/seasonal stream that’s being replaced with permanent structures is actually a tributary to Nsooba wetland system and drains parts of Naalya, Najeera, Kira, Namugongo and Kyaliwajala wetland systems.

Mr.Kiwanuka’s Approved Plan In Kimbejja Wetland

Read Full Letter Below

“4th May 2021

Robert Kiwanuka and Lizzie Kiwanuka

PO Box 31119, Kampala

Compliance Assistance in Respect to Environmental Aspects of Land Indicated as Plot 2274 Block 222, Kyadondo, at Kimbeja, Kira, Wakiso District

This is in reference to your request dated 27th April 2021 to Commissioner Wetlands, for technical guidance regarding the environmental aspects of the above-captioned plot of land. Inspectors from Wetlands Management Department, Ministry of Water and Environment inspected the land in question and the findings indicate the following:-

  1. a) Your land is contiguous with Kimbeja seasonal stream/wetland which is a tributary of Nsooba wetland system and drains parts of Nalya, Najera, Kira, Namugongo and Kyaliwajala
  2. b) The large section of the neighbourhood has been developed and there is an evident threat of continued encroachment on this wetland that is critical for the drainage of surrounding areas aforementioned in (a) above.

The purpose of this communication therefore, is to guide you as follows:-

1) Your activities should not exceed the stream boundary mark denoted by CPS coordinates 0459701E, 0042479N and 0459688E, 0N2388N and physically pegged on the ground by the inspectors for your observance. The area below should be maintained as a green belt to help regulate storm flow.

2) Ensure that your activities are compliant with National Environment Act no 5 of 2019, Physical Planning Act 2010 (amended) and attendant Regulations.

3) Ensure adequate drainage to avoid flooding downstream.”


Copy: Executive Director, National Environment Management. Authority”

“It’s that crucial in this part of the larger KMP water drainage system, so when you tamper, or alter with its flow here at Kimbejjja, literally you’re with flow and filtering of water in all those areas above, but nowadays the rich and connected people in Kampala think that all humanity needs in Kampala are buildings in Kampala, They never look at other aspects of co-existence with other human needs,” commented one of the nearby residents found passing by the site.

Some sources claim that Mr.Kiwanuka is so connected that all the relevant agencies who were supposed to check his illegal activities on the wetland, instead of stamped and cleared his structures even without coming on-site to ascertain. Some other sources claimed (though this reporter can’t confirm for now) that Kiwanuka used the money to get cleared by all the relevant agencies. Indeed, this reporter has landed on the building plan, where the District authorities including; Kiira Municipality Chief Engineer, Senior Physical Planner, Town Clerk, Principal Health Inspector, among other authorities.

However, when contacted for a comment, Kiira Municipality Chief Engineer, Mr.Joloba said he couldn’t comment before going to the site. When reminded about the fact that he already cleared the site, he responded that sometimes people change from what was cleared to their own plans.  “I need to go the site first because it’s common that sometimes people construct something totally from what they presented and the locations. People think we will not find out. So I will comment after going there on Monday (yesterday),” he said.

How Mr.Kiwanuka managed to obtain a land title in a wetland marked Plot 2274 Block 222, in Kyadondo, Kiira Municipality Wakiso District is something still mindboggling to this reporter. But we know that Mr.Kiwanuka is not alone, just see in your neighbourhood where you stay and ask yourself where that builder of that multi-billion permanent structure got license to chase frogs and build in their ‘nest’!   Watch the space…. an accessible web community

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