Lawyer Kamukama Blasts Sheema Political Leaders For Condemning Voters To Poverty

Lawyer Kamukama Blasts Sheema Political Leaders For Condemning Voters To Poverty

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By Michael Atwakiire

Sheema: City lawyer David Kamukama, of Byamugisha Gabriel & Co Advocates, who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bikwatse Kamukama Foundation, has no kind words for political leaders in Sheema  Municipality, who he accuses of allegedly neglecting voters and only remembering them during elections.

Kamukama said that instead of starting up income generating projects for their voters, some Sheema Municipality political leaders have been urging voters to always save money for their better future whereby some have reached an extent of saving money in small boxes (obu box).

Kamukama said that; “Slavery was abolished in Uganda but it is still hiding in my own home area, Sheema municipality. Our people are being used as ladders. ( Why do you teach us how to save yet we don’t have what to save? Why can’t you start for us sources from which to earn what to save?”

Some of the youth under Kamukama’s Foundation undergoing training in tailoring

He added that; “Most people who joined those saving groups spend much of their time suffering in slavery by pleading with their neighbours to hire them such that they can earn a living and get what to save. But unfortunately, at the end of the year, they use the little money they saved  to pay debts they acquired to survive.”

Kamukama noted that; “Instead of encouraging people to save what they don’t have, build factories, equip youth with skills like tailoring, building, metal fabrication, shoe making and others such that we can get money for sustenance and save the rest, instead of singing for us one song of ‘saving’, all the time.”

He noted that the same leaders are using youths as ladders to occupy big offices but after getting to those offices they ignore the youths who voted for them.

Voters In Sheema Municipality Who Underwent Skilling In Shoe making At Counsel David Kamukama’s Foundation

“When they go back for votes during elections, they use sugarcoated words, telling the youth that they are the leaders of tomorrow, which tomorrow will never come,” Kamukama said.

He urged the youth to realise that their ‘tomorrow’ is today, hence they should support themselves and fight against dictatorship in Sheema Municipality by voting real leaders instead of selfish rulers. an accessible web community

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