By Michael Atwakiire
Sheema; Following continuous national lockdown and closure of schools as away to curb Corona virus transmission in the country, Sheema Local Council Chairmen have collectively come out requesting His Excellence President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to buy for them smartphones and television sets in order to keep up dated with the current information regarding current situation but also to facilitate online learning of school children in villages , in exchange for their votes cum 2021 general elections.

Ministry of Education had announced school children would be getting class lessons from TV and smartphones until they are re-opened which these local councils say its impossible since few home steads can access learning equipments like TV,radio and smartphones where work is sent.
The Chairmen,led by a one Denis Muhumuza Chairman L.C.1 Kyamuraari in Bugongi town council asked Government to pay for them the above facilities because they pay them too little money which can not effectively enable them buy smartphones and televisions for their children to learn. (

“Ministry of education previously put all lessons on smartphones and televisions but we can’t afford to purchase them since we are paid shs100,000 monthly and yet MPs are paid in millions, forgetting it’s we who deal with the locals who need support mostly in this current situation” Muhumuza said.

Angry C/Men later forwarded their concerns to the Chairman LCV Canon David Kabigumira and Chief Administrative Officer Dembe Beyeza Davis who were tasked to write to the President requesting him to increase their salaries from shs100,000 per month to atleast shs1,000,000.

Later on after analyzing their concern, they were paid last portion of their salary (30,000) however, Kabigumira asked them to use all possible means and buy digital phones because they miss updated information adding that an analog phone is not fit for LC1 chairman.