‘Lobby For Us  Hoes Not Piglets And Hens’- Sheema People

‘Lobby For Us Hoes Not Piglets And Hens’- Sheema People

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By Michael Atwakiire        

 Sheema: Residents of Kitagata town council, in Sheema district, have requested their Woman Member of Parliament Jacklet Atuhaire Rwabukurukuru  to lobby for them hoes but not piglets and hens.

The residents revealed this in a   meeting  that Atuhaire had convened and proposed to them to form groups in every village such that she can start up for them poultry and piggery projects at no cost.

Some of the residents who attended the meeting

However, they rejected her proposal saying that “If you know that when give us hens and piglets, you will keep on caring for them by buying for us feeds, medications and build for us their shelters, then it’s okay. But if you know that it won’t  be done that way, then go and lobby for us hoes and fertilizers,  plus organizing agricultural sensitization workshops, such that we can improve our farming skills. We are traditionally cash and food crop growers not pig keepers.” 

In her reply Hon. Atuhaire said “The reason why I decided to conduct these consultations at village level is to listen to your ideas such that I can implement them , because many times we decide for you and you find that we deliver  right services to the wrong people.

Therefore, each homestead will receive hoes and fertilizers and I will make sure that these  government special agriculturalists sensitize you on modern farming methods. The hoes and fertilizers are for you all, not only my  supporters or NRM supporters only.

Our aim is to eradicate poverty and famine in our families once and for all, which is possible if we work together for a common goal regardless of political , religious and clan differences.”

She urged organized youths to form groups and present to her proposals of projects they think can help  them fight poverty. “My dear youths, your future starts today , always know that when you work like a slave today , you will eat like a king tomorrow. (https://locallens.com/) I don’t want to leave you behind. Not even one step,” Atuhaire said.

Atuhaire will move all 75 parishes in Sheema district whereby everyday she will meet one parish from morning to evening,  listening to and discussing with grass root voters on the best ways to fight poverty. She also undertakes skilling youth to engage in projects like shoemaking, catering, tailoring, baking, making cooking stoves, saucepans, etc.

According to Atuhaire, she decided to do these consultations because she has already fulfilled 96% of what she promised to do for her voters 

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