Mathias Lutwama: Welcome To Gulu District With A Flavor Of Life

Mathias Lutwama: Welcome To Gulu District With A Flavor Of Life

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By Mathias Lutwama

Welcome to Gulu Papa, just here in Kiteny Owalo, we grow the most marketable ground nuts, ( pull) so delicious for African dinners, but as well served in Spanish and American hotels.

Welcome to Gulu Mama, right here in Bwobo, Laliya, we grow and sell the most qualitative maize, Anyogi, for now, a sack goes for only 150,000shs, with bargaining merchants from Sudan, and the entire great lakes.

Welcome to Gulu Jal, at the onset of Pongdwong Pakwelo, we do grow rice, for purposes of Pur me Cene, we value honesty in business transactions, we have a market matrix so right and true.

Welcome to Gulu Abaa na, at the rhines of mede Palaro, we do have fertile soils, Ngom ma ber, to harness agronomics, in the advancement of a prosperous people.

READ ALSO: Pan African Pyramid Staunch Member Lutwama Africa Appointed Deputy RDC Gulu District

Welcome to Gulu my Compatriot, as you settle down in the hills of Omela Paicho, you will enjoy seeing the original African dress code, Rek maber Pa Mon, the golden women and girls, are rich in black virtue, to the acclamation of the African world.

Welcome to Gulu District, right here in Oding Unyama, the road construction is in progress, Gudi maber, for a streamline of National and international travelers, in such of goldmine and industry therein

Welcome to Gulu Auntie, here we cherish and value the Patriotic Virtuosity of His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Latela Madit, revolutionary and father of Pan African civilization.

Welcome to Gulu Papa, here we worship GOD in Spirit and truth, Waworo Rubanga, Cwiny Maber,

Yesu Cristo Ocer, Alleluia, Alleluia….

The author Mathias Lutwama (0784285177) who is Deputy Resident District Commission (RDC) Gulu District, is a staunch Pan African Pyramid (PAP) member and distinguished a nationalist.

Lutwama who is famous for spreading the message of Pan Africanism and patriotism amongst Africans most especially youths was appointed Deputy RDC Gulu district last month.

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